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Bacon Bits

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  1. Yeah, I am having problems with GameTracker querying my server too.
  2. Yeah, I am having problems with GameTracker querying my server too.
  3. Google didn't help. Anyone have an answer?
  4. Google didn't help. Anyone have an answer?
  5. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to use Battle Eye Extended Control to schedule server restarts and messages on my server? I would rather set up custom server restarts and messages rather than use the schedule restart feature in the server control panel. If not, is there a way to modify the file that is default?
  6. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to use Battle Eye Extended Control to schedule server restarts and messages on my server? I would rather set up custom server restarts and messages rather than use the schedule restart feature in the server control panel. If not, is there a way to modify the file that is default?
  7. Okay I just purchased a server for these guys and when I try to connect I get the following message: http://imgur.com/LUFM3yU Anyone have any ideas how to fix? I am able to connect to other servers just fine, with no errors. I noticed that these files on Survival Servers are appended with _epoch1051...does this have anything to do with it?
  8. Okay I just purchased a server for these guys and when I try to connect I get the following message: http://imgur.com/LUFM3yU Anyone have any ideas how to fix? I am able to connect to other servers just fine, with no errors. I noticed that these files on Survival Servers are appended with _epoch1051...does this have anything to do with it?
  9. Did you ever get your server issues resolved?
  10. Did you ever get your server issues resolved?