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Dylon the Rapper

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  1. This seems to be an issue with this specific hosting service. I also get my storage.eco files resetting the save frequency back to 1500 on a regular basis. 1. The devs confirmed that 1500 isnt even an eco default, its something to do with this hosting service. 2. I've been getting tons of problems. Server going down at night, instability with saves and backups, and frequent crashes. 3. Ive posted on reddit, the official eco discord, and a modding discord for eco, and they have said they never have an issues like this. I'd highly recommend switching providers if you want to run eco servers. This hosting service has major issues for Eco.
  2. I'm looking at this file in /Mods/Player/PlayerDefaults.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues; using Eco.Gameplay.Items; using Eco.Gameplay.Players; using Eco.Mods.TechTree; using Eco.Shared.Localization; private static SkillModifiedValue CreateSmv(float startValue, ModificationStrategy strategy, Type skillType, LocString benefitsDescription, DynamicValueType valueType) { var smv = new SkillModifiedValue(startValue, strategy, skillType, benefitsDescription, valueType); SkillModifiedValueManager.AddSkillBenefit(skillType, Localizer.DoStr("You"), smv); return smv; } I'm assuming this method is the one to change the starting skill point value, although I cant seem to access the files its implementing to find the variables such as "startValue, strategy, skillType" ect... I didn't see any option to change this in the config either. Any advice ?