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  1. This place sucks ass, can't even edit server files without having to delete your whole entire server again. Don't host here unless you really wanna just spend most of your time troubleshooting their FTP problems and just having your server turn off randomly or just wont start in general.
  2. I beg to differ mate, I had a ticket open for awhile now. Dont matter I fixed it so dont care just easier to not do that for people in the future y'know
  3. Download a new map, wait for all the files in the FTP to generate for that map, delete them all once it's done, and load up the new map that you actually want. That fixed it for me a lot of bullshit work around but you can start up the server
  4. Got it to work, just gotta redownload every single file by hand through the FTP. A lot of bullshit but I guess it works. Kinda shitty imo espiecally for little kids who wouldn't understand how to troubleshoot
  5. Getting the same error man it's stupid af, imma just charge back if they don't reply
  6. Exactly what it sounds like, server doesn't start up after buying. If it doesn't get fixed I'm just charging back on PayPal because other users are reporting similar errors