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  1. Past hour
  2. Check the box for "Reinstall Server" and click "Save Settings and Restart Game Server" at the bottom of the page; as soon as I did that, the server started up for me. Took a couple minutes for it to be "Ready" though, so give it time. Would be nice if they put out some information on how to fix the issue instead of customers having to troubleshoot and help others with the fix.
  3. GAME SERVER ID #198120 Server Status Unknown TICKET # 740552
  4. Anyone get a update on this?
  5. How do I connect directly to my ARK server, since I can't seem to find anywhere on the Control panel page to connect that way. I used to have a batch file I ran to do it back years ago, but it's been so long since I've done any batch files, I totally forgot how to redo it.
  6. Today
  7. Yesterday
  8. Cant start the server I ordered. Common issue?
  9. Last week
  10. 我不知道yoyr是哪里,你能帮助我吗?我应该如何将这些日志转换为游戏对应物品信息呢?
  11. Top right corner of yoyr dashboard click scum logs, it willnopen up a smaller window with all the diff log files to choose from and load (in the smaller window) if you want to download and view them in something like visual studio or notepad ++ you need to connect through ftp program and download hope this helps
  12. 1.25 Update Freshly Wiped! We our doing a Contest! The Prize a Year Subscription for PlayStation Plus! ______________________________________ U.S/ EU 52 Slots Livonia PlayStation PVP/ PVE Bunker Auto Trader Custom P.O.I PlayStation Kill Feed Bounty ping Unlimited Stamina Boosted Loot No Lag Factions Weed Cupid Bow Bare feet Drip Store Trader Black Market Flag spawn Fully built Vehicles Event: Fight Night Event: Prison Break Event: Death-match Event: King Of The Hill Event: Capture the flag Every 3 month server wipe Private Faction Channels New Factions receive $250,0000 Everyone starts off with 75 meter base ping Custom base ping only your faction can see Use Discord credits to get custom base etc. 24/7 Base raid with base damage Enabled on weekends ==================================== https://discord.gg/P543Z5PHFn Where every gamer’s dream becomes a reality! Dive into our immersive world filled with exclusive features tailored just for you! Here we have a new DayZ server by the name of (CursedDevils)! As we all know DayZ is a great game. But let’s be honest we can do without the bugs & cheaters. This is why we invested in a DayZ server to assist you with In-Game Activities and much more! Say no to money hungry servers! Players mean more to us than just a Dollar! All DayZ perks & custom bases Are easy to obtain by using Discord credits. Which you earn via playing & participating in activities! Giving you the options to buy credits or simply grind credits. Credits are easy to obtain. Hunting,building,PvP, playtime, selling weed, selling books, events, and discord commands like /work /crime/ casino plus more. Can easily get you started in no time! No matter your choice you will never miss out!
  13. 我想知道我需要如何查看的游戏日志?没有日志,我找不到使用作弊的玩家
  14. Scum logs file is empty, This is very inconvenient for managing servers
  15. If you see this issue please send a ticket in as we can better help there with this problem.
  16. I'm having the same experience. Sometimes, it crashes during play as well. Usually requires manual intervention to start back up.
  17. All unknowns outside of one should be fixed up now. There was an issue at one of the data centers due to weather in the area.
  18. GAME SERVER ID #198358 TICKET # 740262 Server Details Unknown
  19. I have been having a similar issue and then the server status is "unknown" which means I can't restart it. Now I am forced to stop putting off doing work around the house.
  20. Ticket # 740222 Game Server ID #197909 Showing Server status Unknown
  21. Game server #197762 showing as Unknown
  22. Ticket # 740201 Game Server ID #198364 Showing Server status Unknown
  23. Server # 198331 Showing Server status Unknown
  24. Any updates on the unknown server issue? TICKET # 740183
  25. Server status set to unknown, just purchased this server yesterday..... Your ticket # is 740180 GAME SERVER ID #198424
  26. We are working to get the current unknown issue corrected.
  27. Hello survivors. With hundreds of servers to choose from, it hard to find one with almost no Modds and no Rules. Performance and quality of play is so important for a good experience , and that what you get here. Community Tools and Build Anywhere are the only modds on for good reason. As a long time Dayz player, ( 2013 ) community admin and server owner, i believe my Namalsk server is one of the best and rarest to play on. True survivor don't need all those heavy Modds to have fun. Feed back are welcome at https://discord.gg/KCPBdrJ8 Enjoy your journey! See you in game.
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