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Can you transfer Server Files


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I'm hosting a server on Survival Servers until my friend can get his up and running and I'm wondering if it is possible to transfer the server information when he is ready to go so that we dont have to start all over again. Pretty much just moving all the files to another server. if it is possible can someone explain how to do it.

I'm pretty new to this so I dont even know if its possible.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Your arks save folder is what you would want to download.  Should be in the format like savedark##### with your gameserver ID as the numbers. Download everything in that folder using FTP (see other sticky post for FTP guide) and then upload that data into the save directory on your friends server when its up.  You might need to contact his host for additional assistance once you get the data off here, as they may have specific directory's or configurations setup that need to be modified.

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