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| x25ALL | New 24/7 Server | PvP | PvE | RP | Mods | DEAD ARK


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 Brand new fresh map opening up right now! A role playing and pvp based server, with a lot of fun to be had! We will hold raid events set up by the admins, with prizes for succeeding, and hide loot and unclaimed dinosaurs all over the map to keep the fun going! We have no rules against PvP involved scenarios. PvP is part of the game! Kill or be Killed! No Dinosaur restrictions, if you get a Gigantosaurus, lucky you. You get to keep it on this server. I'll be spawning random ones from time to time for people to find, along with other dinosaurs. Server details are below! Please come join! First 5 get a free gun of choice, and 200 ammo!


      I have installed some additional mods to help keep the immersion up, and to just to make building and crafting fun for players again. 


     Mod List:

Industrial Grinder

Spotlights High Powered Lights with Multiple Angles

No Collision Check

More Crafting

Stairs with rounded walls

Improved Balanced Stacks


      The Rules are as followed

1. No Immature banter in the chat, we can all act like mature people.

2. No Whining in the chat about getting raided, it's part of the game. 

3. Obviously no cheating or hacking.

4. Have fun :)


Go to Ark, Servers, Favorites and in the bottom of the screen put this IP ADRESS:


Also feel free to add me and join directly or if you use survival launcher, the same IP works and the Server name as well!


contact me through steam or at [email protected] via skype or google

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