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Setup was amazing and easy, one suggestion


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I'm new to this. I rented a server here last night. That was actually my 2nd server rental ever, anywhere. The first was the day before with a different company. 

The experience here was so much different. The way Survival Servers has everything set up is really good. Everything was laid out, great tool tips. I did not have to scour the web to figure out what I needed to do. You gave me that info up front.

This seems like a no-brainer but with my first server rental, that was not my experience. There was no documentation. There was nothing. The wiki was useless and I was boggled that they even called it a wiki. 

I had one hiccup. After speeding through the easy setup, everything was in order but my server refused to start. I came to the forum, did a quick search and found someone mentioning that if this happens, you should click that "reinstall server" option. That worked. 

Suggestion: Please add some info about doing that if your server won't start. It would be great to not have to search for that info. Thanks!

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