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SURVIVEZ™ |HOSTILE STREETS RP | https://discord.gg/25yr6KMPMq | Playstation ps4/ps5 RP Server

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Our goal here in the SURVIVEZ community is to make a relaxed fun 18+ server for everyone to enjoy with no admin abuse or taking sides on issues. Everyone's opinions and suggestions will be taken into consideration by admin team At the end of the day it's a game and we all just want to have fun and not have to deal with toxic players.

We operate as an RP server that will have raid weekends every 2 weeks with PVP every weekend from Friday morning at 00:00am to Sunday nights at 11:59pm EST. 

Here is a list of what we have regarding gameplay at the moment.
Rp/ Pve/ Pvp

Active admins


Build 🔧 🔨 Anywhere

Custom builds 

Full Stamina 🏃‍♂️ 

Discord Channel 


Mouse/ Keyboard 

3hour day/ 30min night 🌙 

Full Cars/ Vehicle's 🚚 

Custom SZ with rentals available and Jobs. Police/ Taxi Co. And more.

Stores/ Businesses available. 💰 


Extra Wildlife 🐺 🐔 

Player ran businesses 👏 

18+ age requirement 

Whitelist Server  📋 

No toxic trash players
 allowed 🙅‍♂️🚫 

Grow weed 🪴 
Or sell powder 😶‍🌫️🥛

20min nights 🌙 

Player Operated In 
game currency cash! Stored in the Novy Sobor bank 🏦 💰


INIVTE YOUR FRIENDS HERE: https://discord.gg/25yr6KMPMq

Screenshot 2024-05-01 020920.png

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