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Bug Report: Can't Farm Resources / Can't place Palbox

Desdæmona D

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My player base is reporting the following bugs--

  1. I am unable to obtain resources from hitting resource nodes with tools (I will hit a tree, rock, paldium ore and it gives me nothing in way of resources)
  2. I am unable to use my palspheres to spawn my pals with the exception of Cattiva. Currently Pengullet and foxparks are the pals I am having an issue getting to spawn from my palspheres.
  3. At random points in time I have clipped through terrain or been unable to move, fast traveling seems to fix this issue. With that said, sometimes I fast travel and it places my character at the plateau of beginnings starter island spawn point.
  4. I am also unable to place a Palbox in the world but all the other workbenches I am able to place and build.
  5. For some reason the server does not show up in my recent servers list and I have to direct connect every time

Are these known issues? Is it a setting problem?

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