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So guys I'm looking for some Beta testers for the new Skulls'N'Roses PC server.

The server has been fully coded and most of the main mods have been added already.

The server is currently sitting at 10 slots for now but will increase when population rises, feel free to hop in and join. All server info is here:

Server name: Skulls'N'Roses Beta | Heli's | MoreDoors & More Address:
Server version: 1.18.155069
Required game version: 1.18.0
Map: Chernarusplus
Mission: DayZ
Players: 0/10

If the server doesn't pop up on any of your launchers please head over to steam click View>Server Then add server and add this IP to the list then the server will pop up for you =

If you need any help feel free to open a ticket or shoot me a DM and I'll be with you ASAP !!!

You can join our discord here just Note: this discord is currently used also for our console server on xbox but a new Discord is currently being worked on now

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