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Wiped and updated 1.13

Chernarus Law Dedicated DayZ Expansion Server Economy NEW US PC 1PP PVP Chernarus Law IP


The economy in our server is based mostly on weapons trading, hunting, fishing, collecting silver and gold, drugs, bounty hunting, zombie/player kill streak rewards, and special announced admin events such as point A to B Police Convoy Ambush, PVP Gladiator Arena, Criminal VIP Jailbreak, and more. To add a twist we try to make events relate to each other so that our server follows a storyline. Also the outcome of the event might affect the environment and or economy to give players a real living, breathing environment that reacts to players actions. There are safezone weapon traders, no safe zone black market, and a mini safezone hunting trader for furs, meat, and survival gear all with enforced camping restrictions. In Chernarus Law we aim to create a living breathing law enforcement, criminal, survivalist community. If you are a solo and a group is trying to break into your house or any other crime that goes against the “laws of the land” simply call the CPD and they will respond to the crime scene to assist or maybe you just wanted to ambush them…attacking the police will not get you banned or even in trouble as we actually encourage it as long as you can handle the in game response. We don’t allow blatant toxicity Weekend only raids We have base spawn flag kits available for 300k All admins are over 18 years old, mature and do not abuse power

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