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  1. NoMercy ☆ DayZ server made with attention to details, requiring more than just the basics ☆ Discord: https://discord.gg/fSaqsQWgkz IP: Name: NoMercy Map: chernarusplus Platform: PC In order to survive, it is not enough to master a few boring techniques proposed by the creators, but it is necessary to expand your survival skills with new experiences. We want every player to immerse themselves in the post-apocalyptic zombie world and be able to take full advantage of the DayZ potential. ▪︎ To survive, it is essential to obtain food from a variety of sources, not just from found cans. ▪︎ Don't just rely on wells to quench your thirst - some may turn out to be emptied. ▪︎ Each animal hunted, each meter run increases the skills levels of the character, which may help player in surviving longer. ▪︎ Experience expanded sickness system, fatigue with necessary, short sleeping time, fractures and the need to use medication wisely. ▪︎ Use an extensive crafting system to craft shelter, weapons and tools. ▪︎ Plan your trip and explore the unique locations that we have prepared, but be careful - another player is not the only threat waiting on NoMercy! ▪︎ You can meet dangerous animals, mutants and a large number of zombies all over the map. ▪︎ The military bases offering the best equipment are covered by toxic and radiation zones, and getting there, without detriment to your health, requires appropriate protective clothing. We have prepared all these attractions with the idea of creating a server for survival fans. Below is a full list of changes and modifications that can be found on this server. ☆ Loot ☆ ▪︎ Reduced availability of items. Nails and ammunition are mostly found in small amounts. ▪︎ Single, full packs of ammunition and nails are sporadic. ▪︎ Krasnostav Airport (Tier 2) - rebuilt location with added custom structures and spawn spots for military and medical accessories. It's one of the spots with a slight chance to get some NBC items. ▪︎ M. B. Pavlovo (Tier 2) - apart from standard military barracks, there are also medical tents and a special box with medical accessories. ▪︎ M. B. Kamensk (Tier 3) Toxic Zone - military equipment, crates and the only place to obtain Toxic Cure. ▪︎ M. B. Tisy toxic zone (Tier 4) - high-quality military equipment and boxes protected by dangerous enemies. ▪︎ Any possible vehicle access road/gap to M. B. Tisy and the NWAF is completely blocked. ▪︎ Radiation zone (Tier 4) - large forest area and Myshkino military base with possible radiation exposure. The area, apart from custom buildings, offers many buried treasures. One of the elements of exploration is searching and digging for them. There are also chests with military loot in the radiation area. It should be borne in mind that both items taken from this zone and your character's clothing may show signs of radiation and it is necessary to clean them from radiation. You can use showers or special decontamination sprays. ☆ Dangers ☆ ▪︎ Mutants, which are some of the most difficult opponents. They deal high damage and are extremely durable. You may find them all over the map, however, there may be larger clusters of them in some appropriate places. ▪︎ Black wolves are enhanced versions of the basic wolves. They are characterized by greater endurance and stronger attacks. ▪︎ Black bears are more dangerous versions of the basic bear. They are characterized by greater endurance, stronger attacks and extraordinary aggression. ▪︎ Increased numbers of zombies can also be found in forests. The difficulty of defeating them depends on the type of zombie you approach. The most powerful of the basic ones are the military types. ▪︎ Toxic bears and wolves. They are found in toxic zones. Much more durable than their regular counterparts. ☆ Survival and Crafting ☆ ▪︎ The character's metabolism is within the standards of DayZ settings and does not make the game easier. ▪︎ Each character has a development system. The more you run, the higher your maximum stamina level is. Choosing the right equipment for your character and keeping your stamina high can increase your chances of fighting by using stronger knockback blows or give you the opportunity to escape from dangerous situations. ▪︎ The higher the character's "Hunting" skill level, the better quality of meat you get from animals is. A skinned animal, at the lowest level of character's hunting skill, provides fewer pieces of food than is known from the basic version. The quality and quantity also depends on the tool used to skin the animal - a knife will provide better quality items than a sharpened stone. Depending only on food cans may turn out to be a bad idea. ▪︎ In order to survive, you need to hunt, fish and look for food in trees and shrubs by approaching fruit trees/shrubs and interacting with them, thereby shaking off fruit (a tree or fruit shrub will not always have fruit). ▪︎ Fishing - there are additional species of fish to find depending on the water reservoir. Each of them has a different calorific value. The fishing rod and hooks can be found in the game, but you can also craft both yourself. ▪︎ Obtaining water from wells is not always possible. The further north you go, the greater the chance that the wells will be completely dry or will produce very little water is. It is also possible that another player was there first and emptied the entire well himself! The water in the wells may partially renew every few hours. Use other water sources and filter the water when possible. Don't ignore the streams! ▪︎ Craft improvised construction tools, knives, light footwear, camouflage, and even weapons such as a crossbow or improvised shotgun, which for sure will come in handy while hunting. Some items, such as metal plates or old clothes, can also be dismantled with tools to obtain useful materials. ▪︎ Craftable Ghillies can be painted with the various colours of the sprays available. There is also an option to create a camouflage poncho in different colours, but it is not possible to dye it later. ☆ Events ☆ ▪︎ Automatic radio events - player with a radio in hand or in inventory will automatically receive audio and text notifications about events in Chernorus and local events near the player. After receiving information about an event, it is marked on the player's map until he dies or the event is over. If an event is already in progress, the audible message may not always appear, but it's still a good idea to turn the radio on and check for active events on the map. Some events with an undefined location won't be shown on the map, but you'll receive a one-time notification of their approximate location. The average duration of the event is 2 hours. ▪︎ Permanent radio event - treasure hunt. Requirements: shovel and turned on radio with the 87.8MHz frequency set. Process: The player moving in direction of hidden stash will receive repeating sound sequence every second until he/she finds the hidden stash or someone else finds the stash or the player changes direction of movement or the player just changes the radio frequency or turns the radio off. The hidden stash will be spawned in a random location from time to time. If there is currently no hidden stash on the map, then there will not be the mentioned repeating sound sequence on any of the radio frequencies. ▪︎ Individual clan tasks - Each clan receives, tailored to it's level, individual clan tasks that allow them to get unique cosmetic items, furniture, and even custom structures, which do not block access to their main clan base - such as garages, sheds, farm buildings, tents , monuments, fortifications etc. ▪︎ Story events - From time to time, there will be common story quests for all clans, organizations and unaffiliated players, which will be communicated by a mysterious sender on #🎙radio_бункер_87vhf. Events can be expected on weekends (when enough clans or organizations are created), and information about the event can be expected the day before at the latest. ☆ General ☆ ▪︎ To maintain realism, in order to eat, player has to remove gas mask. ▪︎ Gas stations with a limited amount of gasoline, which is automatically renewed over time. There are only a few random, active gas stations with rotation each week. ▪︎ PDA - item available in the game and powered by a standard 9V battery. It is used for communication between players who also own the same item and add each other to the contact list (via Steam ID or character name). You can leave a message to another player for them to read at a later time. ▪︎ Notes - these are created after combining paper and pen. Text can be entered only once. It is not possible to edit it later. It can be placed on a door or any other structure. ▪︎ Ear Plugs with adjustable soundproofing level in the game. Useful e.g. when driving a car. ▪︎ There is an option to create custom patches/flags for clans and organizations. ▪︎ Restarts at 12pm, 6am, 12am, 6pm - 5.5h day and about 0.5h dark night.
  2. I just got a rust server and i am trying to make it public, how do i do that and add descriptions/picture anything a public server needs. I am trying to get more people to get on but it would make it easier if you wouldnt have to copy and paste the ip over and over.
  3. I found this server on ark ps4. In the process of making, LAND, SEA & AIR Arenas. The idea will be a normal server, with a bit of a twist. Level up your dinos, and get them ready to be crowned champion of the Arena. 2 ways to get special gear. Random drops & Winning in the Arena. More information will be coming soon about the 3 Arena's being built and the rules of the Arenas. The Question is will you be strong enough to win and be crowned champion of the Arena? Server is called Battle Arena im pretty excited to start training up some dinos and seeing where this server goes! Think it will be fun seeing it grow from the start.