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Found 4 results

  1. **ARCTIC DAYZ : Hardcore Winter Chernarus** What can i say…Its a character killer try it out if you think hardcore servers are Sticking with our brutalcore format as always, but people dont seem to know what that means so server says hardcore More adjustments to come this week Skill and perk system is in and working, all namalsk survival features in and working, custom crafting in and working , quest system down (adding new starter missions and finalizing quest chain “lechen of the lake” will be back up friday by the latest) Compatible Launchers =**Steam | Dzsa | Magic** (updated after every game/mod update, if you cant find it @me and ill update the listings :] ) **Launcher Information** IP— **** Server Name— **ARCTIC DAYZ : Hardcore Winter Chernarus** Map— **winter chernarus [custom remapping]** Players— **60** Version— **1.23.157045** Mods— **TF:TrueNames** **Zen's Anti-Combat Logout Mod** **NBC Over Clothes Restrictive** **THYER5 Craftable NBC Suits** **ArcticLoading** **ArcticApocalypse** **Underground Bases** **ToFu Raft Human overboard Raft** **Mag Obfuscation** **Realistic Inventory Space** **CRDTN Gui** **CRDTN Core** **Zen's Immersive Login** **Remove LEHS Icon** **Zen's Repairable Wells** **FrozenCorpses** **InediaStamina** **InediaInfectedAI** **Namalsk Survival** **Winter Chernarus V2** **DayZ Editor Loader** **TerrainIslands** **Objects_Free_Mapping** **SPBuilding** **BuilderItems** **VPPAdminTools** **Dabs Framework** **CF** https://discord.gg/arcticdayz *Our Discord is still pretty out of date in terms of this projects info vs last projects info, will post link shortly , be advised channel access is limited and will open more as updates finalize* (Dont want people using old crafting, survival, mapping info to their own peril cause most of it has been changed out or redone since last iteration!)
  2. (Cherno Server) https://discord.gg/Nw56T6QaYd Freshly wiped and updated 8/7/23 New Season 2 - new nightmare PVP/ KOS Server but with a strong community. No whitelist and discord not required to play. Raid weekends Friday-Sunday Player owned business's such as BMT Permanant Gas Zone New added Oil Rig Custom Bunkers Area 51 Arena & Fighting Rings Trader @ Zenit (SZ) Upcoming Cave mod Music playing on Radio station to your radios Customized contracts/missions Unlimited Stam Lowered zombies Increased Animals Boosted full cars & trucks Trucks loaded with building supplies 20 Minute Nights Hulk KF Fair and affordable donation tiers Affordable and reasonable customs Factions get starter kits, starter building kits and outfit tables
  3. Side36 1PP No aiming dot. The night is dark and full of terrors (c). Server IP-adress : port : 7615 https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U Minimum excess content. We don't have tens of modpacks a couple gigabytes each and hundreds of added firearms with questionable visuals and functionality, trader and unlimited stamina. And won't have. We will try to have one global mod for our server plus several separate utulities for administrating purposes. Only natural role-play. DayZ as a game gives more than enough instruments for roleplaying and doesn't require additional conventions for it. Anybody can be anyone he or she wants in the game world. There will be no artificial rules, that put players into imaginary boundaries and dictate interaction with one another. Harsher survival. Fewer weapons and ammo, instruments and food. Fewer slots in clothing. Missions for players. There will be a mission broadcast on radiochannel 99.7 once per hour, completing said mission will grant a reward. Any player can hear the mission. The reward and random and may contain different useful things, some of which can't be found in the game world. Changed basebuilding. You can build almost anywhere. More resources are needed to build walls, but higher toughness and raid resistance. GOOD LUCK, SURVIVOR. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Без точки прицілу. Ніч темна і повна жахів (с). IP-адреса : порт сервера : 8415 https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U Мінімум зайвого. У нас немає десятків модпаків по кілька гігабайт кожен і сотень доданих стволів з сумнівним візуалом і функціоналом, торгівника та безлімітної стаміни. І не буде. Ми будемо старатися мати один глобальний мод для нашого сервера плюс окремо кілька утиліт для адміністрування. Тільки природнє відігрування ролі. DayZ як гра дає більш ніж достатньо інструментів для відігрування ролі, і не потребує додаткових умовностей для цього. Тому кожен може бути у світі гри ким забажає, але під це ніколи не будуть створюватись штучні правила, що ставитимуть гравців у вигадані рамки і диктуватимуть як взаємодіяти між собою. Суворіше виживання. Менше зброї та набоїв, інструментів та їжі. Менше слотів у одязі. Завдання для гравців. Раз на годину на радіочастоті 99.7 з'являється завдання, за виконання якого гравець може отримати винагороду. Завдання може почути будь-який гравець. Винагорода є випадковою і може містити різні корисні речі, з яких деякі не знайти в ігровому світі. Змінене будівництво. Будувати можна майже будь-де. Більше витрат ресурсів на побудову стін, але більша міцність і стійкість до рейду. НЕХАЙ ЩАСТИТЬ, УЦІЛІЛИЙ.
  4. Hi Guys, I have created a new server and I'm looking for people to play on it with us, there are 5 Admins who are very active (In GMT Timezone) and we are open to ideas for improvements to the server, Feedback is very much appreciated and we will help In any ways we can. Hope to see you on the server, Details are below. IP: It's a 50 slot server so tell your friends and get a community going, Donation packs are available, feel free to PM me either on here or ask an admin online In-Game for more information, Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Baget