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Realms Of Midgard RP (PvPvE High Fantasy PC Server) Are you tired of sitting around during off-peak times while RP is slow with nothing to do? Do you want more end-game content to keep yourself busy? Here on Realms Of Midgard, we strive to provide our members with the most enjoyable experience we can. A relatively fresh server, RoM sets itself aside from most other RP servers. With a nice blend of PvE content and RP, with the chance to partake in consensual PvP thrown into the mix, we are constantly adding and improving things, regularly acting on feedback from our members on how we could make things more fun. Below is a short list of just a few things RoM offers: - An active admin team who are constantly working on providing the best possible experience for our members - An abundance of mid/end-game PvE, provided by the use of mods such as AoC and EEWA - A fresh new area of the map to the NE, with the server featuring the Forgotten Lands mod - Numerous admin created quests, giving many different rewards, from gold that can be spent in vendors around town, to paying for services provided by other members through the form of RP. - A custom community RP hub featuring a fully player run marketplace, many quests and RP opportunities around every corner. - A newly implemented kingdoms system, allowing clans to lay claim to the crown of their chosen kingdom and rule it how they see fit, from implementing taxes to organising PvP skirmishes alongside opposing rulers. As we are a PC server and the above text mentions mods, you must be wondering what our mod list looks like? Active Mod List Pippi - User & Server Management - v3.8.10 Grim's Wonderbody Reupload Improved Quality Of Life 3.4.6 Extended Shortcut Bar v2.1.0 Hosav's Custom UI Mod - 2.3.7 Amunets Deco Collector - v0.1.37 MultiChar Outfit Manager Beta 0.3.1 Roleplay Redux Indrid's Custom Races & Classes DungeonMastersTools Immersive Armor v6.5.5 Akuba's Salon Barbarian Barber v3.5.3 Shadows Of Skelos Vol.2 v1.3.7 Shadows Of Skelos - Extended v1.6.0 Savage Steel Savage Steel Vol II Shani's Stuff Devious Desires Emberlight 3.3.0 GrimProductions Beyond Decor Beyond Stations WARRIOR Mutator For Conan Exiles ExilesExtreme - v1.5.33 Fashionist v4.2.3 Thrall War Dungeon Mod VeloXs Tattoos Nocturnal Gods: Warpaint LBPR - Additional Features - v7.1.6 Pythagoras: Expanded Building - v2.0.0 Northern Timber 2.3.12 Gothic Architecture Thrall War Decorations Better Thralls v1.9.16 Unlock Plus (With Pickup) v1.4.10 Stacksize Plus v1.7.17 (DLC Compatible) Ymirs Respite v6.4.6 Kerozards Paragon Levelling - Reloaded - v2.3.6 The Age Of Calamitous Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) v0.29.4 KPL - Smooth Leveling - Add-On - v1.0.1 The Forgotten Lands Less Building Placement Restrictions - v7.4.1 RA: Fantasy Extension RA: Character Customisation If you like the sound of what you're reading here and wish to give the server a try, we'd be happy to have you, so please be sure to check out our discord server which is linked below We hope to see you there, Kindest Regards The RoM Admin Team Discord:
Hey, Currently can't seem to find a way to increase the Thrall Conversion Rate online. Does anyone know how I would go about doing that?
- 1 reply
- Conan
- Conan Exiles
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Join us on a different conan exiles experience - more of the fun stuff and less of the grind. Dungeons will be coming up, treasure hunts, starter kits in every spawn, faster progress, active admin. Players with creative ideas are welcome to ask for materials to build them! This is the server IP: Server IP: (Jynx's Treasure Hunt)
- conan exiles
- active admin
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I am trying to modify my Conan Exiles The Purge server settings ( however I was unable to locate these in Control Panel's Modify Server Configuration tools. The Conan Exiles The Purge server variables are detailed here: I clicked on the ServerSettings.ini button that opened a new browser tab with the text file contents but I was unable to edit this file, only view it. The Purge server variables: Enable Purge, Purge Level, Purges per day, etc were not defined in the ServerSettings.ini file at all. Please advise how I can modify The Purge Settings to avoid causing undesirable events starting that will negatively affect our Conan survival server. Best regards, Jason
Der neue alte Wasteland Server ist zurück Wipe 08.05. 2018Moin zusammen. Unser Server war zu Release der Alpha, der meist besuchteste Server der deutschen Region. Unser Server lief stabil, war nahezu zu jeder Tageszeit gut besucht. Nun nach so langer Zeit, dachten wir, holen wir den Server wieder aus dem Schrank. Wie der Phönix aus der Asche. Wir haben erhöhte Rates Wir mögen keine Avatare Sind zivilisiert, trotz PVP Wahrloses zerstören können die Ahnen nicht gut heißen Spaß haben wir bei Met und einem Spiel Wir versuchen den Server wieder zu dem zu machen, der er mal war. Die IP TS: DC: Schaut vorbei, Teamspeak vorhanden. In dem Jeder Clan seinen eigenen Channel bekommen kann. Bis dahin Asenheil und Wanensegen Brüder
I have not modded conan before, but I did follow the instructions and have downloaded all the mods for the server. They are the only mods i have currently, but keep getting the folowing pending connection failure: Could not connect to server. Your modlist doesn't match the server modlist. Please enable only the following mods, in order: I have a feeling it is due to the Age of Calamitous being a large mod. I am fairly sure I need to load it through ftp but I can't seem to find where the mods are located on my files from steam to copy over. I would love some help. Thanks!
New server started this week, currently have 7/30 players Netherworld: 3xXP - 5xHarvest - Fast Craft 30 Player max (for now) PvP The only rules are no building (in/near) caves/spawns/Cities/Religious teachers and no griefing Disabled Avatars (for now) No admin abuse (witnessed by current players of server) Recently created so very open world once population expands the server will be upgraded Come play and have fun! We also have a discord that we will give out once you join the server. ~Dood ~ThePrinnyLord
- new server
- conan
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Hi! So my server was working the past few days without any major problems. Today the server wont appear in the server browser, even though it says ready and I have restarted and validated several times. I have tried to reset to backups but that wont do it either. And it is not among invalid servers. GAME SERVER ID #34561
- 5 replies
- server
- not appear
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Hello terribly sorry if I missed a thread on this. All I saw was control panel and was not sure if these would go there. I just had my server started up yesterday and noticed. I cannot change some things in the settings file. (these are found under ConanSandbox/Config and not the /saved. I think.) Item Spoilage rate. Hunger / Thirst multiplier (for both active and non) Offline Hunger/Thirst All of the durability settings (things break way to fast without it) Day Cycle Speed, Night and Day settings. Not fully sure how much of it has been taken out of the settings due to patches. Still see some of the things listed.
Anyone else having an issue where when you place down a thrall the server crashes immediatly? After server restart Thrall is placed down on the ground
- Thrall
- Server crash
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