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Found 9 results

  1. The plugin named Stack size controller is always becoming vanilla when the server is restarted. I need to command it every time, so I would like to know that are there any methods to make it stays permanently.
  2. Hello, so I'm basically a noob at all of this and it's the first time I rented a server. I have a discord group waiting for me to set the server up, but I can't figure out how to install the whitelist plugin. I know that I had to select oxide in the control panel, but how does that FTP thing work and what even is that? I don't have any oxide file on my computer rn other then one, that I installed from the oxide homepage and I kinda feel like that was wrong? I already contacted support and they told me to ask in here. Can someone please help me? I'm desperate
  3. i started a new server... when i access it via the FTP to install plugins from Oxide (umod.org) i have Oxide selected on the drop down and my server has been saved and restarted... i Log into FTP and all i see are two folders, "RustDedicated_Data" and "server".. i have dug down in each folder and do not see the "oxide" folder to upload the plugins... have i messed something up or am i blind and dumb and don't understand something properly?
  4. Okay, so I could really use some help. For the passed few days I've been working on a Rust server for me and a few friends, although I haven't even been able to get to the portforward stage... I've created a working .bat file (whether or not the settings/parameters are being read correctly is another story..), code down below; echo off :start RustDedicated.exe -batchmode + D:\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir +D:\SteamCMD\rust +app_update 258550 +cfg cfg\server.cfg +server.ip +server.port 28015 +rcon.ip +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password "(changed for security purposes " +rcon.web 1 +server.identity "server" +server.saveinterval "600" +server.tickrate 20 +server.seed 55 +server.worldsize 4000 +server.maxplayers 15 +server.hostname "Pleeblia" +server.description"*Can you survive the end of civilization?\n*Or will you fall like a coward and let this world Eat you.\n*Discover new weapon and armour Blueprints along your travels to aid your Adventure ...\n*Or have them taken by someone else" -logfile gamelog.txt -load -quit The internal save rate, the tickrate, the worldsize - all that jazz is working normally - however I can't seem to save any of the RCON commands I use in the cmdprompt or the RustConsole itself (e.i. Bradley.enabled 0, ai.think 0 etc, etc). Are these commands to be defined in server.cfg? or the batch file created before running the dedi-console itself? ** I've managed to get Oxide working/running with the server The server name is always stuck on Amsterdam II, and the description is stuck with some sort of loop bug repeating a brief summary of what you'd put in the description. If anybody has any idea what might be wrong, please get back to me ASAP! P.S, have a feeling as though my /cfg files aren't setup correctly.. as every time I've entered RCON commands & tried to server.writecfg, nothing saves after restarting the server.
  5. I just purchased a rust server so me and my friends have a place to play on. I'm currently using RustAdmin to admin my server and i learned how to add plugins into the ftp root port. When i log into the actual game and into my server it says im the amin/owner and some of the basic plugins are already working (i.e. NTeleportation, DeathNotes, InfoPanel,.) I want to make my server a 5x server and i read that i needed to use the LootConfig plugin, but for the life of me i don't know how to edit the .cs file and save it to do what i want it to do. There are more plugins that require editing them such as fancydrop, gathermanager, and kits and i don't know what to do. Please help?
  6. Im new in server config but apparently Oxide is not running on my server (in control panel the option "mod" is "oxide"), what i have to do? Pls help me
  7. http://oxidemod.org/threads/release-build-changes.18147/page-10 "[Core] Changed 'oxide' directory location to server root, see http://oxidemod.org/threads/25237/" More info here: http://oxidemod.org/threads/oxide-directory-location-and-configuration-changes.25237/ I was going to update today but I don't want to run into a mess. Anybody know if the transition was seamless? It seems like you can still configure the oxide path to keep the old setup assuming SS decides to go that route.
  8. so when a player kill a boar and they skin it using a hatchet, once only 3% of the animal is left they can keep hitting it witch hatchet and it doesn't disappear, but the only item they get at 3% is pork and exp need fix ASAP as players are abusing it I think
  9. Hey guys.. Im not sure how this control panel works.. but when i change it to Oxide mod and restart the server, then add my plugins to the plugins folder of the oxide folder, then nothing happens after the restart.. All it does is create a new map, but doesnt create any of the configuration files that the plugins were supposed to create .. Also im not even sure that Oxide is running,, how do you tell ? is there an command ingame to tell what version and or if the mod is running ? I hope you guys can help me with this..