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Posts posted by BrettHumb

  1. Gamer, sorry for the late reply here.  Go to your Control Panel for your server (this is assuming that you are using a server with SurvivalServers) and scroll near to the bottom, ensure that you have your map set to custom, and then in the Custom Launch Parameters box enter your desired launch configs.  Hope this was not too late to help.

  2. Please disregard this post, as I found an older post on how to fix this issue. If you were curious setting -config=serverDZ.cfg in your custom launch parameters from the server console along with the desired Ping limit set in your serverDZ.cfg in the main folder, will resolve the issue.

  3. Most of my players are US based and I have a few from UK and AU, I need to increase the PING limit for my server in order to allow these players in, so far I have tried updating the serverDZ.cfg, I am fairly certain it is being overwritten, please help I need a solution or work around.

  4. So I have been running a DayZ server with SurvivalServers for about a month and have had various success and failures.


    Modding has gone smoothly, editing of some .cfgs to my players liking, and so forth.


    The main issue I have faced is with persistence, or the lack of, over the course of this month I have seen two failures of persistence.  Albeit not complete failures, as most storage containers i,e, chests, barrels, cases, etc., have survived whatever failure beset the server. The affected items were tents and base items i,e, walls, towers, etc. 


    I am pretty new to running a server and I am fairly certain my main tool for diagnosing problems should be logs, if anyone could help  instruct me on how to find my logs and what sort of things to look for, I would be very grateful.


    Additionally if you have had similar issues and have a fix I would like to know and again would be very grateful.


    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Very Respectfully,



    BrettHumb, RageNation Server Administrator

  5. I am currently having problems with the Trader mod as well. I tried setting the server profile folder as follows "-profiles=/Admin" and when I am in game the Trader mod is giving me a notification that Trader data is missing from the server. Help?