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Posts posted by keety

  1. I am getting the same error on the server we run with Ragnarok, it loaded just fine earlier, i closed it to remove a mod that got broke in the latest patch and i get the "Failed To Install Mod Map" error, I've fresh wiped mods, saved data, and just ran a steamcmd wipe to see if that is going to fix it if it does not i'll update it here in a minute or two.


    Does not seem to have fixed the issue, it is possible it is not accepting the input the check boxes do not work for me for whatever reason.



  2. I end up changing most of the things via the FTP because that is what i know and what i am use to.. Though it causes conflicts because it does not sync with the website console, so i have to make the changes in the FTP and if the options are on the website console i have to change them there as well.


    I was sent a reply to a ticket about using the custom launch params instead, but i have no idea how to set that up and frankly i do not see the problem with doing what i know and accepting the issues that may come with it.


    That being said if we give a suggestion you ask for, you probably should not swat it out of the air saying there's another way around for this suggestion.


    We suggest these changes because they are easier for the users, who are paying for the service you offer.  Its user friendly options that are being suggested, the same options that could bring more customers to you if the host was easier for even people with NO experience running a server to use.


    1. Check box options are great and very user friendly for even a novice. (Theres at least 3-4 hosts with these in place currently)


    2. Website side access to the files for changes like Game.ini and GameUserSetting.ini are super handy and convenient.(there is at least one host that has this)


    3. Having a nice friendly layout that tells you what does what and what values can be used makes it very easy to understand and make changes without fear of messing up the server and seeking help for what they may have messed up.(So far this is the only host that has explained the options that are check boxes or inputs, making it very clear what each does)


    4. Great customer service when an issue does happen is great. (so far every ticket we have put in has been answered within 30 minutes or sooner which is fantastic)


    I know its work to make changes and it may not even be easy to do but it would be a nice quality of life for both existing customers and future ones.


    Anyway, thanks for your time and consideration, i have more server changes to make so we can open the doors again after wiping.