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Posts posted by Smokin28

  1. Go into your control panel where you stop and restart the server

    On the left hand side in the middle under the heading: Modify Game Server Settings


    you will see this: Rust Update 


    Next to it, click the arrow drop down and you can make your selection there. "Run the update" or "Run the update and validate"


    Once you change that, go to the bottom and click the Save Settings and Restart button.

    Don't close the browser until its finished.

  2. I wiped mine today and what he said worked just fine. I shut down the server first. Then I deleted all the files inside the /server/experimental folder. All of them. Then I ran the update in the control panel and the server restarted. Once I joined the server with the Rust Client, all the files showed up on the FTP. I had no problems


    NOTE: I did have to make admin/moderators again, using the F1 panel and these:


    global.ownerid "SteamID"


    global.moderatorid "SteamID"

  3. My wish list:


    A wipe button in the control panel that wipes the server instantly. Acting sort of like the start/stop/restart buttons which we already have.

    That way when I have had a few to many, I don't delete needed files by mistake. :geek::shock::-o