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Posts posted by Heruwolf

  1. GAME SERVER ID #28596


    Massive consistent lag on my server. It was not like this 2 nights ago. Server is currently in Unknown status even with 4 people online. I have restarted the server once already. Lag still there.


    Unknown status cleared. I assume it was unexpected maintenance.

  2. I am curious if it is possible to run different mods on the 2 different servers. Obviously I know they are clustered but I don't currently have one. I'm just curious because we want to keep one server for some of the more newbie players that we play with but for the more veteran players we want our clustered server to be made with the P+ Mod. If this isn't possible can someone tell me a reasonable workaround?

  3. We're nearing up on restart schedules being a feature request for about a year. Is there an ETA?


    I've just started on survival servers having previously hosted a few of our clan servers on Nitrado. We haven't been very happy with the stability there and things seem like they may be better on survival servers. We really need this feature to be able to move over however, we keep having restarts while taming and I don't want to get up in the middle of the night to force a restart.


    Thanks for your help!

    I agree with this greatly. I hate having to manage my own restarts and choosing never in the config because my entire group plays literally at the default restart time. This is very frustrating. I'm curious on the complications as to why this has been delayed for so long. 

  4. Hello,


    Official server difficulty is now 5.0, do you plan on making the difficulty offset when set to 1 be equal to the difficulty value of 5.0?

    Granted we can always do an override command to fix this but for those of us who want to run things very close to official with little hassle making the difficulty offset when set to 1 be equal to official difficulty would be a great thing. This is also the reason I chose Survival Servers over all the other options out there, easy setup, easy management without losing the advanced controls that I get into.


