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Everything posted by XSaintsXMonkeyX

  1. The link on this post, seem's to be broken. It has not allowed me to view the page in several days now.
  2. I've been on a few servers that have customized loading welcome pages. I can't recall joining a SS server with one, but I imagine there's a way to do it still with their set up. If you know anything about changing the welcome page, please share your knowledge. Thank you in advance
  3. Hey, I was just wondering if there was currently a rollback feature I'm not aware of, or if Survival Servers is working on one at the moment?
  4. My tent's have not been working lately due to the Dayz update. They're not saving through server restarts, and regardless of whether or not I pack the tent up, it remains in the same spot after restarts. I've assumed this was a broad problem that everyone was experiencing up until now basically. Is there some sort of little fix that I can't seem to find?
  5. Hi there, After I installed BEC, the latest version, I went in the Admins.xml folder and updated it to recognize me as the Admin. However; when I sign in to my server, I can't issue any commands. I checked the logs, and it says "Login failed : Wrong password!". I'm not too entirely sure how I would go about fixing that. I apologize for my noobish in advance
  6. I thought I had the same issue, but Spyrz is right. The most recent logs were a few pages back.