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Posts posted by Belthize

  1. Just a quick update in case anyone reads this thread.  Not sure what was going on but the server works just fine and has for several days (covered in support ticket) without fundamentally changing the approach listed above.


    The basic method for private mods, including TC mods is to treat them like a normal mod but manually FTP them and make sure to select don't update mod.


    I'd like to add that so far I'm happy with the server performance.  Seems smooth and consistent.

  2. I just set up a server (Server ID#: 23346) to test a private total conversion running on the Center map.   The mod is only shared with me and the primary author.  After a bit of fiddling I'm clearly doing something wrong but I'll be dipped if I know what.


      I saw a topic which suggested there's no way to set up the steam ID for the server to use when downloading a private TC mod so I ftp'd it directly to "/ShooterGame/Content/Mods/741635581"


    I changed to custom map, entered the ID in as TC mod and then changed the custom launch parameters to:




    and tried this as well:



    Since that was how TCs were done (more or less) a year ago on another provider I had.


    I've tried stopping the server, clearing the save and then restarting with the 'don't download mods one type' option selected, appending "GameModIDs=741635581" and "to the end of the launch params and various other things but the server persists in a 'loading' state.   There's nothing in the logs that I can see.  


    Most of the posts about getting total conversions working show the wrong config and a suggestion to submit a support ticket but no post showing what was wrong when it was resolved. I suspect I've borked up some step in directly ftp'ing the TC mod or I'm missing an option somewhere but at this point I'm at a loss.


    Any help greatly appreciated, even if it's just a clear statement that 'private TC mods don't work' at this time.