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Posts posted by Sara101

  1. To my knowledge ShowFloatingDamageText=True is a custom launch param. Not sure if that will stick anywhere else but there.


    As for the other settings, do the mod authors state those settings need to be in the GameUserSettings.ini file?

    well i got it to work in the custom gameserversettings.ini by putting it that way, so far it is working, i had to remove another mod from first order, and yes, the mods owner has it on their area to add it like that. I have them working...and Diggs, I have noticed that if you put them in there through FTP programs, when you modify the custom settings- the yellow button- IF you save and restart, it will overwrite what you put, but so far i have had this method work, when you modify the custom settings through server, just press save settings at the far right -make sure the server is off- and start it up or save and restart green button, NEVER save, restart server on the modify or it WILL rewrite your data, if it can go in the gameusersettings.ini custom area on modify, put it there... though i wish SS had a custom Game.ini for mod codes that require it -.-

  2. I only have taming high because i dont want to sit there and have to babysit a downed creature for 2 hours when i need to do other things, thats all the high level is for that, everything else is kinda down, except the small jump in dino stats, levels it out since the wraith seems to do 2000 damage by itself, those stats only give panthers about 400 damage to defend themselves with, all i did was level the playing field, especially when i get on to find someone had murdered all my tribes things and destroyed a building and us by themselves, i had to lower the player damage greatly and the structure resistence had to get better, especially when its a pve Server but people can still cause havoc... Vanilla is ok, but nothing wrong with doing a little stat change to better even out things <.<

  3. I am trying to get this to work in the custom area on the modify settings, and so far i get on and i don't see any of it working, do i put this a different way, does anyone know? I have bad luck with that setting lol














  4. Awewsome, thanks for that Sara! Why the seemingly random values btw lol? (Just curious)

    Please feel free to elaborate on specific settings.

     the ones that look like .10233 or something was because i took the values from my single player ini and pasted to my game server? their from the slider, i was too lazy to type in my values so i slid it to about where i wanted lmao


    and yea your going to say the night time didnt go that high, well lets just say i had it on the point 2.-- and said screw it, add double digit <.< I see that even though it goes to 3, you can still bring it up past that, some people dont know, some do, i put that so people that dont know, do know? ;-P

  5. DayCycleSpeedScale=0.240288




    These work on our server...




    (Ignore this and don't add this , its just for the People/Server Owners understanding the PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player)






    Thanks, i'll surely be using the game.ini and let you know guys, from the looks, it should work ^..^

  7. My Game.ini was blank prior to inputting those codes and I didn't think anything of it and haven't had any issues haha.  


    I wish the restart server and save settings didn't wipe the present .ini file with custom settings but I can understand why it does. 

    well i've noticed that if you stop the server, edit FTP files and start, its fine, or pressing the "save settings and restart" green button doesnt most of the time, but when you modify settings in the yellow tab, save and restart from it, it will do it, though i've had issues to where i HAD to go into modify settings AND change something in FTP and it turns around and says "no, not doing that" and doesnt save zip lmao likely did it in the wrong order or something..

  8. setmessageoftheday <message> (no brackets)

    I'm not sure if it requires the "admincheat" prefix or not though, as you can totally just use the "cheat manger<sic>" in your admin manager tool in game lol

    now theres a thought ;-P just not used to this version of SS lmao i'm used to my ark server where everything is there! except the game.ini custom part for my mods <.< DAL is FAR away from that, shoot even the wiki only seems to be just started ;-P

  9. Me and my friend have a server that we have marked as PVE in the modify config, well if its PVE then how can someone come up, kill and destroy everything? Is there something i have missed? Even our players are saying the server is PVE on their side...

  10. I'll chime in with what I've heard directly.

    The settings are Very much similar to ARK, however it is completely hit or miss on which settings do actually translate between games. Thus there is not a concrete list of ARK settings that work within D&L at this time, but our host is working hard at testing to find the ones that do indeed work, and will hook us up ASAP! Have faith Padawan, the force is strong with these ones. =)


    I've been with them for 2 years now lol i'm well aware they are some of the best because with ark, i never have to use my FTP UNLESS i am working with Game.ini files for my mods. I was just curious as to maybe a date for all the settings so i can stop using my FTP -prefers easy with my servers lol-

  11. So yeah, I have a few...


    Custom Panels


    Custom panels for BOTH GameUserSettings.ini AND Game.ini additions in the Server Settings window, similar to how there is a GameUserSettings.ini already in place for ARK.


    This would obviously be for advanced users and should be noted as such, but we Really need it to eliminate all of the hassle of having to FTP so much if it could be done. Perhaps have it greyed out, and only "Unlock" while the server is currently offline.

    This would additionally help bridge the gap for those that aren't familiar with using things like WinSCP or the such and would really set the already high reputation SS has for it's custom Control Panel that much higher for taking the FTP out of the equation. (Would really like it on the ARK servers too btw)


    The question is though, can it even be done?


    I agree here fully, even on ark, I have to edit the game.ini and have to add it over again when i change something in the modify settings because it is rewritten, it would be nice if it was on both the game.ini and gameusersettings.ini so we didn't have to re-edit with the FTP every time we noticed something needed to be changed on the servers modify...


    and my add, i'd love to have the day and night changing settings -DAL has some evil nights!- and the custom spawns for the creatures, so we can get rid of that blasted dark element and wraith or lower their numbers GREATLY... one more, but i think someone already said it


    the multiplier to edit how much we get per level-per stat, like say we put one point in health, normal i think 10 points, but add a few points on the server, goes to 30 or 40... Can't think of the name since i just woke up lol


    and the crafting multiplier would be good, though as you cant edit crafting right now at all i wonder if its even a option right now...


    maybe have it to where we can add levels in to both player and creature

  12. I'm no admin to the site, but this is how i figure out if it has went through or not. So I'mma just put mine here and see if i can help ya too.. I've been with SS for a few years now, server wise..


    ok your logged into FTP FileZilla and go through the path of -DNL-Saved-Config-Windowserver-Gameusersettings.ini
    Right click go for View/edit, Now in the Serversettings at the bottom you add those copy and paste, make sure its on going like the rest and no space anywhere where its not needed, Press save and X out, go to your filezilla and it will ask to upload and so on, accept, now, get out of it and go to your server site, heres how i find out if it took. Right under your FTP settings you will see Gameusersettings.ini, click it and see if the values it came up with is what you put in, if it is, just press start on your server. Though a warning with SS... I wish they would add a way like they did with the gameusersettings on ark, but if you edit the values when they add it to the modify settings button, it will reset what you just put in and you will have to do the FTP over again like that, it happens like that with ark if you change values in the Game.ini that they dont have -hint hint admins ;-P - let me know if i helped at all... just letting you know how i do things myself.
  13. I know I know, its not much and is being worked on, I am just excited and want to know, when will the settings for our multipliers, ect. will be up, I don't know about most of the people here but I hate having to edit it through FTP lol wish it was as simple as my ark server right now ;-P I'm just wondering... -keep checking it every day to see if its there? lol-

  14. The current crafting speed is not very sufficient, and I do not want to always have to spawn resources in game. I know the game is rather new, but other servers have the option for Speed boost on crafting and I would also like to utilize this feature in the control panel. Please add this feature when possible, Thank you. 



    EDIT: I found the "Item Convertion Multiplier", but when set to a higher number it changes nothing. I went from 5, to 10, then 100. After trying those I entered 100,000.. Unfortunately, none of the changes increased the speed of crafting or "item convertion". Please fix.

    Hun, the crafting speed is backwards, you have to set it low for it to work faster, i have mine on 0.2 and its fast, within seconds crafting


    As for suggestions, i would love for us to be able to edit the night and day speeds, i'm trying to edit my FTP file zilla and having a hard time -.- sorry... Editing what amount we get while harvesting what would be good too, like the ark servers where you can control what amount of rock, ingots, ect you can harvest at one time...


    or atleast a way we could set up to either get higher or lower points per level?

  15. what i had to do, they only showed up in one small place, and i tamed all 4 i seen for myself and friends, you know on the bottom right where it has the long land, the FAR south east, well follow that lil riverway up along the part where it goes into spino area, theres a place just slightly to the left that falls into three crossings, one going right, then one going left forward, then one going left closer to you, I found them going right around the corner of the left in the middle, that is the only place i have found them, as for the Kangaroos, i found my first, not where the old volcano is, but the one right of it, beside it, at the bottom where its flat, then once i found it, they were everywhere. For wild dino command, that crashed my server within one minute of using it lol

  16. Call me impatient *family says its an issue lmao* but the server of mine has updated from 232.9 to 233.1 to 234.0 and yet the Gallimimus is nowhere on my servers area of editing the spawn rate which means its not on the server yet, was wondering if the servers are abit slow with bringing the new dinos out, i knew it took about three days for the beetle and the new lizard to come out but figured something was wrong with the spawn rate... sorry to bug someone just wondering if im the only one noticing this lol