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Posts posted by twiztid66

  1. Hello folks,   one of the people on my server was having mod mismatch , even tho every single other person was fine .


    we tried everything, i deleted the mods off the server, installed the mods directly from my comp(agonizing due to slow upload on my end) , got him to delete his mods folder, tried reinstalling ark , nothing worked.


     Eventually he decided to reinstall steam, he uninstalled and deleted any leftover folders and whatnot , and low and behold , his game started working.   so the problem must be directly due to steam.


     so TL;DR version, uninstall steam , delete any and all leftover folders/files,  and reinstall  (i know some have many games installed, but thats the only solution we found)


    Have a good one folks, hope this helps anyone with the problem

  2. just wanted to confirm before posting so i was waiting on restart, you can use your modified ini.  the config tool seems to be adding engram, xp , and dino xp overrides .   if you just delete these from your file it should revert to normal . there are 3 sections to delete, cant remember the exact naming of each but if it says 'override'   just delete them.  make sure to use ftp ofcourse and not the control panel editor ,  have a great day all !   also thanks for the help sinate !