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Everything posted by cylon8

  1. just two things the line is gamemodids= and once the mods are in the control panel they automatically download and update you dont have to upload them via a ftp client
  2. since there is no map number do i also include mapmod=scorchedearly_p at the end of the command line to?
  3. what is the map identifier to add mods to scorched earth i didnt see it in the launch parameter options
  4. i had this issue to removed from the control panel restarted and it was still in the user settings. using ftp deleted it restarted and it was still there. deleted the entire gameusersettings.ini and redid it using the control panel and the password is still there
  5. map switching doesnt require a wipe it never has provided you plan to use the same setting for both maps
  6. welli think i found the issue. the glass and metal mod leaves a command line in the gamesettings.ini file that needs to be deleted if the mod is deleted from the server? [/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/TestGameMode.TestGameMode_C] bServerGameLogEnabled=True this keeps showing up when i go into enditing the gameusersettings.ini file and the game wont run unless its deleted?
  7. im running the center map but i can't get the game to run mos with the map. all the mods i am using are stackable and don't touch core files. I reciever an error using advanced architecture that the large storage box file was unaccesible so i removed it here is my config any reccomendations? /Game/mods/614734500/thecenter?Multihome=******** | SurvivalServers.com?MaxPlayers=30?listen?ServerPassword=====?ServerAdminPassword====?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=====?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk14801?ModMapID=614734500?GameModIDs=516096294,526513986,531396658,543859212,610753407,620368579
  8. so im confused. I have the map running on a competitors service. i noticed that when the map loaded to their service the .mod file that represents the map is left in the mod id folder. on survival servers it's place outside....is this part of the issue?
  9. i believe dino spawn configuration give a variety of dinos the dino count is the maximim dinos on the map i believe
  10. i'm starting to think it has something to do with how survival servers control panel installs mods. if i were to enter the custom launch parameter myself where woul it go?
  11. i'm trying to load the umasoura map and have yet to get it to work following the guide. it loads fine in single player so i don't understand the actual problem. its not bundles with other mods either so it's not a stack issue.
  12. well i tried again this morning. the map is uploaded to the server. so here is the mod/map id 547730049 here are my launch parameter: /Game/Mods/547730049/Umassoura?Multihome= caprica?MaxPlayers=20?listen?ServerPassword=password?ServerAdminPassword=password?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=18617?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk10983?ModMapID=547730049 i get unable to query host connection timed out
  13. has anyone been able to host this map. I get it loaded onto the server and the server won't launch at all. I dunno if it's the launch string or the actual map itself. I can host as a single player