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Posts posted by Orpheus3419

  1. EU PVE    ( PvE server with PvP zones at military bases)
    Discord: https://discord.gg/XjGmRAHBu3
    Freshly wiped with the 1.24 update
     FPP & TPP Enabled
     Mouse & Keyboard: Enabled
     Weekly PvE/PvP events and challenges 
     Starter gear
    No base raiding
     Unlimited Stamina
    4 Hour Days  | 30 Min Night
     Key card bunker with boosted loot 
     Build Anywhere Enabled
     Builder sheds
     Full Trucks w/Building Materials
     Full Cars w/Loot
     Discord automated trader
     Earn discord  currency for playing the server
     $5000 Starter Play Money
     Boosted Animals
     Fur trader
     W33D Bank
     Ocean racetrack 
     Auto parts shops
     Car Dealership 
     Boxing Ring 
     Gassed Oil Rig with loot
     Boosted Zombies in certain locations
     Custom Areas 
     Custom Spawn Points
     2 Purge weekend per month where PvP/KoS is allowed on whole map

    Hulks DayZ Bot providing features like:
     PvE Feed 
     Player Statistics
     24/7 Automated Trader
