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Posts posted by devilzrose

  1. 8 hours ago, pedropear said:

    Any luck you guys? I had a small window (maybe an hour or 2) where it worked for me, and then now it's down again.

    It worked for me before work but now nothing and it's been down all night cause my friend was trying to join and couldn't. Still waiting on a reply from customer support but they only took about an hour yesterday when i first contacted them over this. 

  2. On 1/31/2024 at 1:47 PM, Luke said:

    We are looking forward to more patches from the game developer to fix most of the issues we have been seeing.

    If it's a Palworld problem then why will it not let me connect via FTP? all that should be is showing me the files on the server that SHOULD be able to be connected to without the game. 

  3. Is anyone else having problems connecting to their servers?  My friend has been trying for hours and i just woke up and restarted the server and still can not connect to it.  I've restarted the game multiple times and my PC as the game suggests but, nothing.  It shows up in the recents tab in game but will not let me connect and will not let me connect via FTP either.