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Posts posted by V3ND3774

  1. I'm really not trying to sound offensive here. With as many people who aren't having the issues that you are having with ARKon, I would say that the issue is most likely on your end. What errors are you getting?


    I understand that you're saying you put in the right info but try these steps maybe?


    1. Open ARKon and click on the settings tab

    2. Input your RCON info from your survival servers control panel into the server settings area of ARKon

    3. Hit the save button just below these details (lower left. not lower right)

    4. Click on the name of the profile you just saved. It will be listed on the right side under "server configs"

    5. Click the load button under that.

    6. Click connect.

    7. If that works, you will only have to open arkon and click connect after that.


    If that doesn't work, try changing your RCON password in the control panel a few times and repeat steps 1-7

    Been there done that like 5 times.  I am not new to this. I used Rusty for 5 Rust servers and never had a problem in using it or setting it up.  So like I said something wrong on server side.  Either the details for the server is wrong or something is disabled that I am not aware of with this host. 


    We do have ARKON support.. not sure what you are talking about there?


    All of the other features and bugs have been noted, thank you for taking the time to write that out. :)


    A lot of the other things you mentioned (like save world, check Steam IDs, etc) can be done with the ARKON tool or any other RCON tool that supports ARK.


    If it's still not working, you must be using custom launch params and have the incorrect RCON password set there or do not have it enabled at all.

    Is there a setting or server.ini command that enables RCON?


    Server #6428 details:


    RCON Details


    Port: 17517



    Copied and pasted many times over and entered manually as well. :? 




    [12:01:37] Client up to date.

    [12:01:54] Connecting...

    [12:03:25] Disconnected

    [12:03:26] Connecting...

    [12:03:34] Disconnected

    [12:03:35] Connecting...

    [12:18:31] Disconnected

    [12:18:46] Connecting...


    ARKON tries to connect but never actually does.  It only disconnects when I try to reconnect after I make changes to settings, save, and reload.


  2. Arkon does work and can easily do what you're requesting in this last post. If you log into your control panel, you should see a section called  RCON Details. Plug those details into your ARKon and it will work. Once connected through ARKon, you can see all players names and steam64 IDs, you can kick, ban, whitelist or remove from whitelist.

    I have done all that prior to this post and for some reason ARKON does not connect AT ALL.  And my settings, IP, Port, and Password are correct.  Arkon is up to date.  So something must be happening on server side.

  3. I have noticed a huge difference in leveling of characters and dino's since the server tools were installed.


    1. Charater levels start at 0 (zero) instead of 1.

    2. The amount of experience needed between levels is set to the "Total Experience Needed" according to http://ark.gamepedia.com/Levelsinstead of the experience needed values.  So what is happening is that players needing only 9287 experience to reach the next level are having to get 73000 before going to level 74.

    3. When clicking the button to add level, instead of adding level 79 it adds level 0.  Clicking again adds level 1, etc..  So this may conflict with settings in the preceding level settings.

    4. All of the above for Dino Leveling as well.

    5. Dino's are officially only to level 50 times after being tamed, but the experience table by default is set to 119 levels.  Shouldn't this (and Charater Leveling) be set to "Official Game Settings" by default, but admin can still add in extra levels if they want to?

    6. The bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=true command does not work.  Maybe it's the "b" at the front of the command line.  I will check and verify this tonight myself.

    7. There has been a problem with PvEDemolish.  Player homes and structures are Pve Demolish Allowed within hours of a player logging off the server.

    8. There needs to be a button on the console to do "SaveWorld".

    9. ADMIN need to be able to dowload their backup and save world files.  Other server hosts provide this feature.

    10. ARKON!!  WE NEED ARKON!!  Having no available means to see who is on the server and their steamid's makes it extremely hard for ADMIN to deal with players or interact with them (especially players who use a custom steam id.....ie; hackers and griefers).  RUSTY worked great for Rust and ARKON should work great for Ark as well since it is by the same developer.  ADMIN cannot always get to log in to the game but still need to enter line commands remotely.  Other server hosts allow the use of ARKON.

    11. An actual forum thread with all the features and GOOD explainations of the "Server Tools" and "ADMIN Commands" would be helpful.  Trying to decode double negative commands can be confusing at times (ex: PvEDemolishDisabled=False?). I know the ADMIN Commands are really the fault of the developers, but at the very least we need a basic rundown on the "Server Tools".