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Posts posted by SoLScorpion

  1. Hello everyone i am posting here because i am looking to make a three man or two man group to enter into this ark modding contest. i have no knowledge of the ark dev kit creation engine of any sorts but i have made maps for other older games in the past so i'm not a total noob. i have a great idea of what i want to do to make a game changer for the ark survival of the fittest mod that is out now. the only thing i ask is that you are atleast of age 18+ english speaking has teamspeak and some knowledge of there ark dev kit. contact me on steam Scorpion7o3 so we can discuss how we could go about making this mod idea i have planed.

  2. about a few hours ago i was able to have my server run the SOTF game mode by clicking on the box just under the map in the control panel. after i submited a supprot ticket about the server being stuck on STOPED they fixed the server but now i do not see the option to run the survival of the fittest mod on the server. is there another way to run the mod on my server or am i going to have to submit another support ticket?

  3. After ark update v193 i noticed my server randomly got switched to North Carolina some how and have no clue how that happend. So i switched it back to Newyork and was warned that if i switch it will wipe the server so it was suggesting i save the ark data. so i didnt figure out how to save the file being i use this program Filezilla i placed all the contents inside of the folder called arksave data local. i reset the server back to newyork like it should of been and the server will not load the new update its just stuck. so i go to file zilla and check the files i placed into it and i noticed the files are gone so i assume its gone forever? or can a moderator here help me get the info back or atleast start my server just let me know what info you need


    GAME SERVER ID #7303
  4. i figured it out you have to apply the gamma in the launch parameters line. below is how i have my server set to allow gamma for user's.




    sadly there is no global option to apply the r.bloomquality 0 for the whole server if anyone knows how to apply settings to the server fill me in please

  5. Hey Guys i know there is just a few commands out there some people are able to use in the console wile they are in the game. how ever i can not seem to adjust the gamma at all in my server can anyone explain how do i get that to work. some of the commands that do work are below


    r.bloomquality 0   <----helps so much no idea why its not in there options

    r.shadowquality 0 <--- not sure of this one havent tryed it but seen many use it.

    r.lightsshaftsquality 0  <---stops the spotlight effect off of lights/objects

    gamma  <---does not work for me someone tell me if i need to allow this in my server or if i have to place something in the server settings.

  6. i have to apply the above paramater to the server in order to get it to apply this to the server. /Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland?Multihome=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx?Port=18415?QueryPort=18416?

    SessionName=SoLScorpions PvE Server?MaxPlayers=30?listen?ServerPassword=xxxxxxxxxxxxx?


    when i do this it stays and works but changes the name to a random number....after i delete that from the box toget rid of the random server name it corrects its self with my actual server name.. so i have to apply the above to get the settings to where i want it....after it gives the random name i go back to the panel and delete it and the settings saves....thats the problem i have to restart the server a few times its odd

  7. im having an issue to where on this website they want you to use launch paramater line to add a simple few settings to your server. they work great but my problem is it is not listing my actual server name but giving a random server number for the server name. the paramater line i am using is below and it seems fine but no clue why it gives the server a random server name. can someone tell me whats wrong? i covered some info with x to hide information...i have also been using the filezilla program to change the settings there but have no luck..server is named ARK#681275 instead of the below information.


    SessionName=SoLScorpions PvE Server?MaxPlayers=30?listen?ServerPassword=xxxxxxxxxxxxx?