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Posts posted by skiron

  1. I work with FileZilla to download the files, open with PBO manager and make the sqf changings with Notepad++

    full moon

    In your mission file (ex dayz_1.namalsk)


    In your init.sqf you can find this:

    dayz_fullMoonNights = true;



    open the file OPTIONS
    open the Epochconfig.sqf
    there you find:

    //Enable full moon nights by setting this to true. (Default: false)
    dayz_fullMoonNights = true;

    You can also change day/night settings in the control panel.

    increase choppers

    you need to find your dynamic_vehicle.sqf
    This you normally can find in the server pbo file
    open the missions file and there it should be.
    In this file you find the vehicles spawned by the server with the amount.

    ex: ["UH1Y_DZE",2],

    The server spawns 2 UH1Y_DZE helis.
    You can uncomment this line for 0 UH1Y helis or 1 to spawn only 1 heli of this type

    For the zombies I have no idea sorry.

  2. Does this tool from the control panel works for Origins Overpoch Namalsk or do I have to add manually extra traders in the mission.pbo?



    The reason I ask this is that the black market weapons and ammo are not added yet. (no black market trader)




  3. I ve deleted the mods and reinstalled origins, epoch, namalsk and overwatch with the survival launcher.

    Restarted the launcher and tried to join the server but still it doesnt work, the launcher doesnt find the overwatch mod I think.


    On the other hand, dayzlauncher runs normal now.


    Must be something with my pc...

  4. Hello,


    something I dont understand:


    I cant log in on the gameserver using the survival launcher, I get the epoch loadingscreen but then the message pops up "you can not ...." and it shows the overwatch stuff that is missing.


    When I try to join a game with dayzlauncher, I dont get the epoch screen but the overwatch startup screen and then it stops.


    Only way to join is by the multiplayer option in the arma2 oa browser.


    Anyone an idea how this happends?

  5. Hello,


    check if the classnames of the barracks that you spawned start with LAND_ and not with MAP_

    (as Bilco said))

    So these will spawn loot: Land_Mil_Barracks_i

    These wont: Map_Mil_Barracks_i


    (If you spawned them in with infistar you can find them back in your database.)

  6. We also wanted to add more weapons, vehicles, etc to the game and I know you have to unpack the pbo for that, I even saw your guide about it, but how exactly do I get those? As far as I know, I only found this site: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18276


    If you add weapons and vehicles that are not the "standard" ones you have to ask your players to download them as well in their OA folder. Also you have to add extra launch parameters, otherwise nobody will see them on your server;

    An example is Rmod.

    Other thing, all what you add is not automatic added to your trades.

  7. Hello,


    yesterday there was a Battleye update.

    Since then I get Battleye admin messages ingame that I didnt make myself but are from another server:




    In my Battleye folders/files is nothing written but it is marked in the log files:



    03:52:28 : Rcon client logging in
    03:52:28 : RCon admin #0 ( logged in
    03:58:41 : RCon admin #1 ( logged in
    04:00:16 : RCon admin #1: (Global) Welcome to MGC if you want to purchase bases and more see an admin for more info!
    04:00:16 : RCon admin #1: (Global) Feel Free to join our TeamSpeak At no password.
    04:00:17 : RCon admin #1: (Global) Rules are on our website http://mac10gaming.jimdo.com
    04:00:17 : RCon admin #1: (Global) Forward slash vote night for night time.
    04:00:17 : RCon admin #1: (Global) Rules are not to be broken!!!!
    04:00:17 : RCon admin #1: (Global) we now have an MGC napf server!



    My server has IP:

    The server for who these messages are made for has this IP:



    Does anyone has the same problem?