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Dead Directors

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Posts posted by Dead Directors

  1. Make sure you're connecting to the FTP IP instead of the Server IP. Aside from that, there's not a whole lot we'd be able to assist with. As far as tickets go, it could take a few days. I've had little luck with answers over the weekend.

  2. Make sure you're connecting to the FTP IP instead of the Server IP. Aside from that, there's not a whole lot we'd be able to assist with. As far as tickets go, it could take a few days. I've had little luck with answers over the weekend.

  3. Have you checked out opendayz.net yet?

    Scroll down a bit to the section that says "DayZ/Arma Scripting & Editing".

    Most of the listed addons will have tutorials on how to add them. There's even a tutorial section under there as well.

    If all else fails, you can find video tutorials for most of the common scripts (self bloodbag, AI, etc) on youtube.


    By the way, thank you for being someone that asks for direction to tutorial rather than "HOW DO I DO THIS THING!?". :P



    -Dead Director Lazarus

  4. Have you checked out opendayz.net yet?

    Scroll down a bit to the section that says "DayZ/Arma Scripting & Editing".

    Most of the listed addons will have tutorials on how to add them. There's even a tutorial section under there as well.

    If all else fails, you can find video tutorials for most of the common scripts (self bloodbag, AI, etc) on youtube.


    By the way, thank you for being someone that asks for direction to tutorial rather than "HOW DO I DO THIS THING!?". :P



    -Dead Director Lazarus

  5. Yes, I did mention i installed full. It says im listed as "super" admin in the F2 menu. Yes, I did the uncheck/restart/recheck,etc method. I even had my server moved to a different location (was beneficial anyway). I know I have more than low admin since it's giving me a lot of options (teleport/godmode/etc) that low does not include.


    I do not have the high-med-low options in the GUI interface, so i edited the file and put my UID in the High brackets there. That works in letting me use anything but low. (I already put in a ticket more than a week ago for both issues). I'm not too worried about having it not show up in the control panel, but i just found it odd that its giving me more than the Medium admin settings, yet less than full. At least that seems the case.

  6. Yes, I did mention i installed full. It says im listed as "super" admin in the F2 menu. Yes, I did the uncheck/restart/recheck,etc method. I even had my server moved to a different location (was beneficial anyway). I know I have more than low admin since it's giving me a lot of options (teleport/godmode/etc) that low does not include.


    I do not have the high-med-low options in the GUI interface, so i edited the file and put my UID in the High brackets there. That works in letting me use anything but low. (I already put in a ticket more than a week ago for both issues). I'm not too worried about having it not show up in the control panel, but i just found it odd that its giving me more than the Medium admin settings, yet less than full. At least that seems the case.

  7. Hey guys. Yet another antihack post.


    Purchased, installed, instructions followed, etc.

    It does work... but it seems to be missing some options.

    For instance: I have the ability to spectate players, alt+click teleport, heal/repair, and godmode, however, I'm unable to spawn buildings/vehicles and a few other things along those lines.

    Already submitted a ticket days ago, but I figured I'd check with you guys and see if it's been heard of before with a possible fix.



    Dead Director Lazarus

  8. Hey guys. Yet another antihack post.


    Purchased, installed, instructions followed, etc.

    It does work... but it seems to be missing some options.

    For instance: I have the ability to spectate players, alt+click teleport, heal/repair, and godmode, however, I'm unable to spawn buildings/vehicles and a few other things along those lines.

    Already submitted a ticket days ago, but I figured I'd check with you guys and see if it's been heard of before with a possible fix.



    Dead Director Lazarus