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Everything posted by MegaZ

  1. Hi Swampthing, I dont use Sarge myself but just looked on the Github and went through a few file and found where you need to alter: link to sarge: https://github.com/Swiss-Sarge/SAR_AI in your addons folder - there should be sarge folder - in there you will see SAR_config.sqf - THIS IS WHERE YOU CHANGE AI example of one below Skills for all possible units // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // military AI // // Leader SAR_leader_sold_skills = [ ["aimingAccuracy",0.35, 0.10], // skilltype, , ; ["aimingShake", 0.35, 0.10], ["aimingSpeed", 0.80, 0.20], ["spotDistance", 0.70, 0.30], ["spotTime", 0.65, 0.20], ["endurance", 0.80, 0.20], ["courage", 0.80, 0.20], ["reloadSpeed", 0.80, 0.20], ["commanding", 0.80, 0.20], ["general", 0.80, 0.20] ]; Change these values just remember do small changes as little changes can do a lot MegaZ
  2. Have you checked you RTP log to see if they actually start ? Also you can download your server.pbo to see if they have been added yet ? MegaZ
  3. Have you checked you RTP log to see if they actually start ? Also you can download your server.pbo to see if they have been added yet ? MegaZ
  4. You can do as said above but that will wipe your server and you will also get a new IP address so if people who play on your server try and connect they wont find you. Did you download the .pbos and keep a copy of the original ? If yes just reload back the origianal .pbo. You should always down load the .pbo and make a copy and keep that .pbo in a folder somewhere safe so you can always go back to any previous .pbo you want. MegaZ Also look at the RPT log Control panel log in to the FTP Details: go to the Admin folder and you will see it there arma2oaserver.RPT
  5. You can do as said above but that will wipe your server and you will also get a new IP address so if people who play on your server try and connect they wont find you. Did you download the .pbos and keep a copy of the original ? If yes just reload back the origianal .pbo. You should always down load the .pbo and make a copy and keep that .pbo in a folder somewhere safe so you can always go back to any previous .pbo you want. MegaZ Also look at the RPT log Control panel log in to the FTP Details: go to the Admin folder and you will see it there arma2oaserver.RPT
  6. How have you added them to the pbo ? Have you got yourself a folder in your server pbo with the Building Mission file in? Easy way is to add a new folder and call it buildings to the server.pbo and in that add your mission file you created in 3d editor. Name what ever you like. removing the not needed lines of text. ie: center - unit - group etc Then add the call in the serverfuntions.sqf like this: //Custom Map Additions [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\NapfEventZone.sqf"; //Event Zone for Napf - By Harkness MegaZ Just downloaded your file this is the mission.pbo - put it in the server.pbo and add the call in the serverfuntions.sqf in the init folder REMOVE: _unit_0 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = _group_0 createUnit ["BAF_Soldier_AA_W", [7086.21, 7934.7905, -9.1552734e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit_0 = _this; _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002; if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;}; if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;}; }; save and reupload
  7. How have you added them to the pbo ? Have you got yourself a folder in your server pbo with the Building Mission file in? Easy way is to add a new folder and call it buildings to the server.pbo and in that add your mission file you created in 3d editor. Name what ever you like. removing the not needed lines of text. ie: center - unit - group etc Then add the call in the serverfuntions.sqf like this: //Custom Map Additions [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\NapfEventZone.sqf"; //Event Zone for Napf - By Harkness MegaZ Just downloaded your file this is the mission.pbo - put it in the server.pbo and add the call in the serverfuntions.sqf in the init folder REMOVE: _unit_0 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = _group_0 createUnit ["BAF_Soldier_AA_W", [7086.21, 7934.7905, -9.1552734e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit_0 = _this; _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002; if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;}; if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;}; }; save and reupload
  8. Hi yes you can upload it to pastebin and i would take a look. And to Jun1997 statement about Cap E, This will work as you have it see mine below and it work fine. call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf"; [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf"; [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf"; allowConnection = true; sm_done = true; publicVariable "sm_done";
  9. Hi yes you can upload it to pastebin and i would take a look. And to Jun1997 statement about Cap E, This will work as you have it see mine below and it work fine. call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf"; [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf"; [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf"; allowConnection = true; sm_done = true; publicVariable "sm_done";
  10. Right so if I clean the Player DB up and take out all old Player history it then wont allow you to import the items as it cant find the player that placed the item ? If so I am Knackered as I have cleaned by Db of old entries, It seems weird it is only effecting walls - floors etc Creates - sheds - Safes - lock boxes etc are still there but the player that laid those is not in the DB but they spawn.
  11. Right so if I clean the Player DB up and take out all old Player history it then wont allow you to import the items as it cant find the player that placed the item ? If so I am Knackered as I have cleaned by Db of old entries, It seems weird it is only effecting walls - floors etc Creates - sheds - Safes - lock boxes etc are still there but the player that laid those is not in the DB but they spawn.
  12. Thats the problem it does not wipe say item no 3000 -7000, It wipes items through the whole DB in Object.data. What Is weird it only effects wood walls - wood floors - metal floors and brick walls, Every thing else spawns, If I go into the Object.data and change all the Character id's of all the walls and floors to 0 then they will spawn. But then obviously I lose the info who actually made the item.
  13. Thats the problem it does not wipe say item no 3000 -7000, It wipes items through the whole DB in Object.data. What Is weird it only effects wood walls - wood floors - metal floors and brick walls, Every thing else spawns, If I go into the Object.data and change all the Character id's of all the walls and floors to 0 then they will spawn. But then obviously I lose the info who actually made the item.
  14. I have exported my DB and I have tried to load it back up on my test server and it will not load correctly, It shows 7900 odd items in the Objects data and all says imported ok but when i start the test server it wipes out nearly half of the Objects leaving around only 3000. This is why I was asking if it does destroy the DB, So I can warn the people know on my sever that there could be a wipe and they will may need to restart from scatch If I update.
  15. I have exported my DB and I have tried to load it back up on my test server and it will not load correctly, It shows 7900 odd items in the Objects data and all says imported ok but when i start the test server it wipes out nearly half of the Objects leaving around only 3000. This is why I was asking if it does destroy the DB, So I can warn the people know on my sever that there could be a wipe and they will may need to restart from scatch If I update.
  16. Check this Link viewtopic.php?f=7&t=757 The easy way though is go into map editor palce buildings save the mission file, Open the mission file and copy the few lines of text will look something like this: _vehicle_2728 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_Wheel_cart_EP1", [8257.7715, 15507.778, 0.23337889], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_2728 = _this; _this setDir 34.145061; _this setPos [8257.7715, 15507.778, 0.23337889]; }; and add that to your mission.sqf in Server.pbo in Missions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\mission.sqf (DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf use what ever map you are running) Add it to the bottom and change the _vehicle_2728 to the next unused one then save and repack . Not forgetting to change Map to Land
  17. Check this Link viewtopic.php?f=7&t=757 The easy way though is go into map editor palce buildings save the mission file, Open the mission file and copy the few lines of text will look something like this: _vehicle_2728 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_Wheel_cart_EP1", [8257.7715, 15507.778, 0.23337889], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_2728 = _this; _this setDir 34.145061; _this setPos [8257.7715, 15507.778, 0.23337889]; }; and add that to your mission.sqf in Server.pbo in Missions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\mission.sqf (DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf use what ever map you are running) Add it to the bottom and change the _vehicle_2728 to the next unused one then save and repack . Not forgetting to change Map to Land
  18. Did the DB survive or did you start with a new fresh DB, Alot of my players want the change but dont want to loose the bases they built, I dont mind putting all the scripts back in. MegaZ
  19. Did the DB survive or did you start with a new fresh DB, Alot of my players want the change but dont want to loose the bases they built, I dont mind putting all the scripts back in. MegaZ
  20. Thanks for the update. If you get it working please post up and any problems you have had thanks MegaZ
  21. Thanks for the update. If you get it working please post up and any problems you have had thanks MegaZ
  22. Has any one vhanged there server over yet to this?? If so does it need a data base wipe of can you keep existing DB?? Any one had any issues with scripts that wont work - I know Self Blood is not working anything else ? Thanks MegaZ
  23. Has any one vhanged there server over yet to this?? If so does it need a data base wipe of can you keep existing DB?? Any one had any issues with scripts that wont work - I know Self Blood is not working anything else ? Thanks MegaZ
  24. Hi question for admin rearly- are the servers going to have the option to upgrade to the latest version of EPOCH via the control panel or is this something we will need to do ourself ?
  25. Hi question for admin rearly- are the servers going to have the option to upgrade to the latest version of EPOCH via the control panel or is this something we will need to do ourself ?