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Posts posted by Achai

  1. OrionSystem1 is the server name - 

    We just started out about 3 days from before this post.  So nothing in the way of "bells and whistes" to brag about, as yet.

    Our financial backer has run such things as a roblox server since more years than anyone should.. it was called 'drop zone' {he's US Army rtired}
    never theless, how much interest folks have in persisting and wanting to help the server cost will be what gives more than 20 slots, over time..
    so if we have a good bargain, then that is what we have to go for - 

    I personally got more hours in SE than anyone should have. In my experience, the biggest problem - with almost all SE servers - is the lack of objective admins. 
    We'll do try to do that in such a way to avoid nepotism, and things like that
    - if someone gifts a hundred USD - that does not make them immune to getting any sanction which they may earn.

    Anyhow, thus far, we're putting MODs together - not even figured out how to make ourselves admins yet lol
    {not a elementary UI to manage servers, in general..}

    The general plan is longevity, and, so far, we're thinking to have one planet be PvE only, and everywhere else be PvP.. 
    and to have wickedly tough NPCs, perhaps?
    And pretty much anything to make being in the server fun for the long term

  2. oh, did a support ticket - as told from another thread where someone else had the same issue of not being able to delete..
    that is fixed.

    Now, am stuck at not being able to have the host use the server that I uploaded - it only uses one of the default selections from Survival Servers - and, "Soloar System" is in creative mode and I do not have any sort of UI to manage anything.. the RCON app I have not yet been able to get to start.

    So, day three and nothing useful as yet.

  3. Same sort of question - 
    am a sub account for the main server owner who paid for a 20-man SE server about 12+ hours ago..

    I did manage to be able to place a SE world on another host/provider, a few years ago..

    so far, getting neither Torch  or  RCON has yet to run/instal successfully..

    ATM, am trying to muddle thru how to find the world/workshop that I downloaded and save to my local PC..
    then will attempt to use the FTP app to place it on the Survival Servers host.
    Anyhow, that is how far I have got up to.. we were able to logon to the server "as is," so am just trying to get the saved world up -
    once done will be a 'first' for me to do this without some menu I can "just click" on to make things go.

    I think, other than my finding out what and where the local save file is in order to FTP it..
    my main malfunction is not being able to get RCON or Torch to run 'at all."

    Also, asking the folks in the Torch Discord, so probably may need a suggestion for the RCON thing
    ..or is RCON essential, or would Torch be interchangeable for the remote-ishness to manage a SE server in SurvivalServers..
    is RCOn a minimum to get the show on the road in here?

  4. It seems that all else is now functioning. 

    Anyone have any word for  how long until the server provider will fix this issue?  I think the guy who is paying for the server am helping to admin might not wait past the weekend until we go elsewhere.

  5. Have also been working on this .. for days...


    WIthin the past week or two, I noticed that the server listings mostly all vanished.. then I notived a number of test servers that showed up. Now, within the list of servers to selct from, they have mostly all appeared again.


    When I also put in a ticket on this, I was told the steps on how to list the server, which I did do.. however, it was how to list the server whint the Steam server listings - which I have literally have never seen before.

    Anyways, it seems to me that something has happened with the official Keen server listings - maybe they are using different ports? 

    Am not skilled in the type of programming that the sbc files use, else I would know what commands to use to 'listen' on ports 27000 thru 27015, from IP (using the zeros is what allows 'listening' ). 

    Prdon my typos.. am jinda burnt on this... besides, This is the 'Internet' so spelling is optionsal, right? : )

    Anyways, perhaps it is not having the correct ports to communicate as to why there is not aut-downloading.. but when I add the MODs in a local game which I start & save in my computer, then everything works like a charm.  


    THe next thing for me is, perhaps, to try to find what ports SE is using from my PC, then to change those values in the cfg or sbc file(s) herein. Maybe that is how to get survivalservers to communicate as my own computer is able to whenit gets MODs.

    My lastest try to get MODs was adding:

        <ModItem FriendlyName="Midspace's Configurable Max Ship Speed Mod">

    ... which I got directly from my save file on my PC


    ..but it makes more sense now whythe MODs do not work for me - ofc they will not function until someone gets survivalservers to communicate in forder ot dowload the MOD files.  

    I think maybe I'll try posting a public server from my PC, then see if I can find what ports are being used from them then copy into the dedicated server files.

  6. Ok, found the answers to those questions.. there are three plugins, according to what I have read about that are worthwhile.. 
    And Profiler.

    All may be downloaded from the TOrch site, and that info is mainly from their wiki.

    So far as I have gathered, you download Torch to your PC, run it and let it update, then input the IDs for each plugin, then place it into the server, then when it runs it will download / update those plugins when it runs just as Torch, by itself did when you ran it in your own PC.

    Will update here when I get it worked out.. gotta do something else for now.

  7. Am searching for it also.. uncertain if it is 'Medieval Engineers Remote' or if it is 'Keen:Remote Software,' or are those different names for the same thing or what?

    Is it a direct download for my PC, or is it something I upload into the server host here? .. or either? .. or both?

    Is the 'RCON' thing one  of those, or is it something different?


    On 4/4/2020 at 12:07 PM, JaxStraw said:

    I am looking into using Torch for the UI. Have a ticket in for setup right now and waiting :) I'll let you know how that works and do a how-to demo for ya


    HOw did that go for you, @JaxStraw ? the 'ZONEOUT' has torch.. no idea (yet) what plug-ins have? Looking at the site, there are six possible..

    will take a look at what we may have / be able to do with what we have - it is altogether new to us.

  9. I got the server settings figured out as to how to change those ( that's in another forums tolpic). Am looking into MODs now..

    I think I do understand  how to do those, but have not yet been able to find where the file(s) are at so that I may upload them  'at all.' 

    Are none  in my PC, (tried to setup a local game in my computer) or do I only input the link then  they download?

  10. So, I got how to change the basic settings of the game.. turns out, that SE is not like a 'normal' game, I think.. you have to look for the settings in 1 or 2 of the 3 following files: 

    Sandbox.sbc & Sandbox_config.sbc within the date-named save folder, and/or the Space-Engineers-Dedicated.cfg in another folder.

    Need to use a 'C++' type progrmming text editor to get into the files to change something to 'false' or 'true'.. or the number in something - our server, 'ZONEOUT' had '0' so no asteroids were showing up, but now folks should be able to get a fair start in a space pod (will try it out and increase it if we need to).

  11. Am clueless, more or less how to add anything at all.. 
    Iainly, I wanted to bump this thread and subscribe to it..
    am still looking up info on how to do what.

    And, for folks who might not know, a  ticket system actually helps the support people be more productive.