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We offer a service to help install, setup, modify, and offer customer support for the list of mods listed below. Due to the potential amount of hours spent on adding, testing, and supporting these mods, we charge a price which can be found below. Because there are many different custom mods, game maps, and versions, it's impossible for us to simply create a deployment file for every combination. There are so many combinations that our technicians need to do each custom modding request through a manual process.

While the custom mods are publicly available, we provide the service for users who either do not wish to do this by hand, or are incapable of doing it themselves and would like to have a game server with popular community mods.

Custom mods are not for everyone and those who are able to implement them on their own can do so through the tools we offer with all of our game server rentals. You can always install these mods yourself. There are some great resources out there for this purpose.

Epoch Mod Site
DayZ Mod Site

Where to Order

ARMA 2 & DayZ Mods

Custom Loadout - $10.00
Custom Loading Screen Image - $5.00
Towing / Heli Lift - $10.00
DayZ Missions - $15.00
Epoch Repair Refuel Rearm - $15.00
DZAI - $10.00
Enhanced Spawn Selection V3 - $20.00
Take Clothing -$10.00
infiSTAR AntiHack FULL - $20.00
infiSTAR AntiHack FULL + Source Code -$40.00
Slow Zombies - $10.00
Advanced Coin System - $50.00
Deploy Bike - $15.00

ARMA 3 Mods

DMS Missions - $10
Status Bar - $5
Load screen image - $5 (must provide image 512 x 256 pixels)
Ryan Zombies - $10
Extended Base Mod - $15
Exile ZCP - $10Package mod set - DMS mission, Occupation AI - $15

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