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PC | UK | Banov | Nova Dabs _[PVE Only Server]_150K Start_Heli's

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Hi there, a bit new at this, we are a server that is new and trying to start up our community of players. We are still a young server but we have quite a bit to offer. We have bosses to fight, fun tiers of weapons to earn, multiple collectibles to find and earn unique rewards for. We also have DNA rooms and drugs you can farm. We also have unique bears running around you can hunt. We pride ourselves on making the server fun but still a challenge, still with that DayZ spirit of survival. We also have unique enemies instead of normal, boring zombies so expect a challenge.There's so much more too like airdrops, tarkov loot, secret military bases surrounded in toxic gas, bitcoin machines for passive income. You can even loot things like dressers, couches, boxes and so much more. The fun part is, you can find it all in world, some stuff you can buy, sure, but whats the fun in that. Not sure about you but i always disliked that about most servers. You can just buy whatever you want just by farming some money and to me it makes the fun of going out and looting lackluster and we wanted to change that. We also have BBP and Rag Base Items so you can build your base, your way and make it a home. And who can forget the kill rewards? We didn't! So come join us on Banov on this wonderful server with friendly and wonderful people. We look forward to it!


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