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Software/Tool/Feature Requests - Post Here

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If you have an idea for a software/tool that you think we should support, please post here.


I will take a look and see if I can do it and update the status in this post.


Open Requests

  • PrivateHiveTools - code needs clean up work and updating to - in progress
  • Epoch Settings - quick ability to change hard-coded Epoch settings - in progress
  • New mods - Epoch Namalsk, Overpoch Namalsk, Overpoch Sauerland - planned (added Feb 8, 2015)
  • Control Panel - Log Viewer - planned
  • Control Panel - File Manager - planned

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This is just off the top of my head and I know you offer a few that may already be on the list but here goes:


DayZ Epoch Chernarus

DayZ Epoch Lingor

DayZ Epoch Namalsk

DayZ Epoch Napf

DayZ Epoch Panthera

DayZ Epoch Taviana

DayZ Epoch Origins Chernarus

DayZ Epoch Origins Lingor

DayZ Epoch Origins Namalsk

DayZ Epoch Origins Napf

DayZ Epoch Origins Panthera

DayZ Epoch Origins Taviana

DayZ Overpoch Chernarus

DayZ Overpoch Lingor

DayZ Overpoch Namalsk

DayZ Overpoch Napf

DayZ Overpoch Panthera

DayZ Overpoch Taviana

DayZ Overpoch Origins Chernarus

DayZ Overpoch Origins Lingor

DayZ Overpoch Origins Namalsk

DayZ Overpoch Origins Napf

DayZ Overpoch Origins Panthera

DayZ Overpoch Origins Taviana


Utes 1.3

Unleashed 0.96

Thirsk 1.3

Taviana (US) 2.0

Takistan 1.7

Sahrani 1.1.0

Panthera 1.8

Overwatch 0.2.5

Oring 1.0.8

Namalsk 0.75

Lingor Island 1.3

Isladuala 1.1

Invasion 1944 0.2.1

Fallujah 1.5

DayZ+ 1.1.2

Civilian 1.0.2

Chernarus 2017 2.0

Chernarus 1.8.2

Celle 1.9

Celle (Germany) 1.1

Arma 2 Wastelands


It gives customers a chance to install what they want besides the minimum few you do offer. From reading on the Epoch website, I know that Overpoch and Overpochins works for all maps. As far as Arma 2 wastelands, you could just offer Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and have some pre installed mods like different wastelands that you can easily download from Armaholic. There's also other games that you could offer that are easily configureable with you dedicated servers like 7 Days to Die, Team fortress 2, Counter Strike Global Offensive, Counter Strike Source, Garry's Mod, Insurgency, Killing Floor, etc.. If your custom control panel won't allow it than perhaps you could go to TCAdmin which also allows you to download other games as well. Just my 2 cents...

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We have been asking for the namalsk maps for awhile now.. Would like regular and overpoch also overpoch for sauerlands

Good call! I totally forgot about Sauerland even after I had one set up on my box to see if I could get them to work, which they did.

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How about fixing the ticket system. Nobody can close tickets. When you click on live chat it says file not found. Is that supposed to be like that or?

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This is just off the top of my head and I know you offer a few that may already be on the list but here goes:


DayZ Epoch Chernarus

DayZ Epoch Lingor

.. snipped ..

Arma 2 Wastelands


It gives customers a chance to install what they want besides the minimum few you do offer. From reading on the Epoch website, I know that Overpoch and Overpochins works for all maps. As far as Arma 2 wastelands, you could just offer Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and have some pre installed mods like different wastelands that you can easily download from Armaholic. There's also other games that you could offer that are easily configureable with you dedicated servers like 7 Days to Die, Team fortress 2, Counter Strike Global Offensive, Counter Strike Source, Garry's Mod, Insurgency, Killing Floor, etc.. If your custom control panel won't allow it than perhaps you could go to TCAdmin which also allows you to download other games as well. Just my 2 cents...


We'll be adding more games in the near future.


As for these mods, the problem is upkeep, support, and popularity.


A lot of those combinations are not popular, and we generally support mods that have 25-50 or more active game servers in the public server list. I can come up with a shorter list of more popular mods to add, but supporting that entire list is not practical. Not to mention the amount of time it takes to add the new mods, constantly scan for updates to all of these mods, and fix issues with the default files on all of these mods (we'd be inheriting the slough of issues that comes with the poorly coded mods)



We have been asking for the namalsk maps for awhile now.. Would like regular and overpoch also overpoch for sauerlands 

Epoch Namalsk and Overpoch Namalsk both added to the list. We've received numerous requests for these mods and it's been on the back burner for a while due to some issues when initially came out. I can look into expanding Overpoch to support Sauerland as well.



How about fixing the ticket system. Nobody can close tickets. When you click on live chat it says file not found. Is that supposed to be like that or?

I removed the 3 ticket limit per customer due to this issue. I am looking into adding a close option for the customer end.

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Epoch Namalsk and Overpoch Namalsk both added to the list. We've received numerous requests for these mods and it's been on the back burner for a while due to some issues when initially came out. I can look into expanding Overpoch to support Sauerland as well.



Added to your list to do or the server list cause I sure dont see it... Thanks for the answers.... Its appreciated!!


FYI - We added overwatch to sauerland ourselves but its a little slow...

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It's in the todo list, adding mods & maps is not quite a simple process.


I have to test, ensure it works and is compatible with our 3rd party tools (like infiSTAR's Antihack), package the mod & map files into our own structure, upload the server files to our CDN (for distrobution) and modify backend code for support of the new mod.


There's something big in the works right now (hint: control panel related) and these features will probably all come out grouped together. It will take time. :)

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Yeah I saw something about the tool and I checked the demo and I for one am excited....Never really liked infistar to many things to abuse..  our owner gives out admin rights like candy.... LOL He will probably fire me now !!!

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It's in the todo list, adding mods & maps is not quite a simple process.


I have to test, ensure it works and is compatible with our 3rd party tools (like infiSTAR's Antihack), package the mod & map files into our own structure, upload the server files to our CDN (for distrobution) and modify backend code for support of the new mod.


There's something big in the works right now (hint: control panel related) and these features will probably all come out grouped together. It will take time. :)

Not sure if you're aware or not but Epoch Tavi doesn't work.

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Hello, Im New here but I tought that i have some ideas software that might be useful would be ability to make loadouts and set car spawnpoints for overpoch atleast also i see alot of overpoch origins servers starting up and support for those would be nice and possibility to set up ur server without any support but ability to edit All the files for example these are my ideas didnt really think All of those trough but hope some of those would work

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Hello, Im New here but I tought that i have some ideas software that might be useful would be ability to make loadouts and set car spawnpoints for overpoch atleast also i see alot of overpoch origins servers starting up and support for those would be nice and possibility to set up ur server without any support but ability to edit All the files for example these are my ideas didnt really think All of those trough but hope some of those would work

Loadouts can be set either through the mission pbo or on the database.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LMAO that was hilarious to see the response to which one. yeah Lets forget the whole Stability thing, that went out the window with Arma long ago. 


I opt for we have more options like Thirsk Overpoch/Origins, Sauerland Overpoch/Origins, Sahrani Overpoch/Origins. There should definitely be a versatile amount of maps. Talk about taking out the competition, with a whole new set of maps and features. nobody will compare.


I also think we should be able to have a map editor on all the maps. Place vehicles/Military/AI units etc..Markers and such. That would be a great tool to have. We all know adding markers to the mission.sqm is probably the worst thing to have to do and using map editor to place vehicle spawns.

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Ryan Pennington, on 11 Feb 2015 - 1:48 PM, said:


It's in the todo list, adding mods & maps is not quite a simple process.


I have to test, ensure it works and is compatible with our 3rd party tools (like infiSTAR's Antihack), package the mod & map files into our own structure, upload the server files to our CDN (for distrobution) and modify backend code for support of the new mod.


There's something big in the works right now (hint: control panel related) and these features will probably all come out grouped together. It will take time.  :)

Don't take too much time. You need to be better than the other companies.

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I can definitely attest to the hassle of using the in-game editor to place items/vehicles, but there's not really a good browser based way of doing that. The coordinates have to be exact and the altitude as well.


More mods are on the way, the biggest the list I have the better, so go ahead and spam me with what you want to see.

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  1. Definitely a nice list of maps with options of Origins and Overpoch combined.
  2. Add in More difficult mods to the list (a package of mods for 1 price or two would be nice)
  3. Vehicle Skins Mods
  4. Have the DLL files for Single Currency already installed (helps reduce errors when modding)
  5. Add More games to the Survival Servers Database like Minecraft, Killing Floor and etc. to drive a bigger community
  6. Maybe a Dedicated Server so we can have multiple maps so they are faster and easier to manage



In response to the Map Modifications: I understand , but the overall goal is to have easier user friendly system. That is the number 1 reason I am here. Because I do like the compiled pbo system, I despise the unpacked version that TCadmin has.


  • Maybe just implementing different predetermined and premade spawns. So lets say in the panel you have option to have Normal Car spawns; or Militarized. That alone would take a load off the work from server owners.
  • Add in the time portion different options like: 3hrday/1hr night per restart
  • implement mod install boxes. basic things like bloodbag, no maintenance, godmode base, by being allowed to select the addon and when you update and restart the mods activate. The most basic and common ones I think would help new and current users feel like they have something in the game since they are not superb coders and just don't know how to get into it.
  • Mods shouldn't only pertain to maps either. ESS for instance. i have used on all maps already without issues.

But i am sure you guys have lots in store.


Most of all: Would love to have at least a time frame or updated News when this is all going to take place "these big changes"

Please don't change the compiling system :geek:

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Minecraft has over 150million users with an average of 34million per day playing on rented servers.

Popularity is there as long as the company keeps pumping out updates and new features. It is a lot of work especially when the revenue is subjective to the amount of users and people willing to stay.There are things you can do to keep people staying and signing up.

but that is not up to me to decide.




i would keep your Panels and never change to TCadmin. TCadmin is horrid. Confusing and slow. Your panel is neat, organized easy to understand and straight to the point. All you have to do is add more features that give the Owners more options. maps,whatever. 

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Trust me, we're never going back to TC Admin, and that's entirely what the "big changes" are related to.

Thanks for your input. Minecraft is definitely on the list, just not on this list because this is specific to ARMA 2: OA.

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Trust me, we're never going back to TC Admin, and that's entirely what the "big changes" are related to.


Thanks for your input. Minecraft is definitely on the list, just not on this list because this is specific to ARMA 2: OA.


Good! than I will sure be staying. The panel is probably the best I have seen yet.

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  1. Something similar to DaRt for server owners where we can see who is in the server and what they are typing with an easy reply system, ban and kick.
  2. Would also be nice to have an option much like a checkmark box to not allow cursing or swearing/bad language offensive terms etc., and punish a player, maybe freeze them for 20seconds vulnerable to attacks with a warning message "Do not use bad language". Second time is kick. third is admin ban?
  3. Add a feature to Infistar(anyone can alter it) that allows making someone admin in game
  4. Easy Trader tool, click and add to the appropriately named trader with no need for database or cfgtraders

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Just regular; DayZ Overpoch Namalsk or DayZ Overwatch Namalsk would be cool also maybe the following too:


DayZ Overpoch Namalsk

DayZ Overwatch Namalsk

DayZ Epoch Namalsk

Arma 2 Wastelands

Arma 2 Takistan Life

Arma2 Life mod

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