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.:Information:. We provide a very healthy and overall enjoyable PVP experience. We have very little rules, build as you please, just don't be a dick. Don't exploit, typically is a gimme. We don't necessarily support racism/swearing, but we're not completely against it. Use it at your own will, but understand, it can still fall under the main rule of "just don't be a dick." We'll be launching donations in the weeks coming with a website as well. If you're an active Tribe Leader, you are allowed to have a Teamspeak channel for your tribe. You must apply through a server moderator. Happy Arking! 25x Experience | 25x Tame | 20x Harvest Map: Valhalla Mod List: Au Naturale', Stairs/Rounded Walls, Better Beacons, Small Dragons, Eradicator 2.0, Aku Shima, and ACM. Max Player Level: 216 Max Wild Dino Level: 150 Max Tamed Dino Level: 416 (How to calculate: Wild Dino Level + Taming Effectiveness Level + 155 = Highest Possible Level) Server is owned by Putana and managed by SirGreasyHobo. SERVER IP: TS IP:
Hi Guys, I have created a new server and I'm looking for people to play on it with us, there are 5 Admins who are very active (In GMT Timezone) and we are open to ideas for improvements to the server, Feedback is very much appreciated and we will help In any ways we can. Hope to see you on the server, Details are below. IP: It's a 50 slot server so tell your friends and get a community going, Donation packs are available, feel free to PM me either on here or ask an admin online In-Game for more information, Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Baget