Hello people, I've been searching around for a solution to this and I've come up dry. I'm also rather certain that this isn't easy.
To jump in on the situation, I run an Aberration/Ragnarok cluster server but now it's pretty much just an Aberration server. I would love to be able to modify the Tekgrams that the endboss of Aberration gives based on the difficulty since the only 3 Tek items obtainable on Aberration are the Sleeping Pod, Railgun, and Rock Drake Saddle. To elaborate a more detailed example; instead of the Gamma Endboss fight just giving a Sleeping Pod, I'd like for it to give the basic Tek foundationing. For Beta, allow it to give some of the weapons and utility structures, then Alpha giving the rest.
Anyone have information on how to do this, if it's even possible? Tekgrams are coded differently from regular engrams and changing requirements isn't really straightforward. Surely there's a complex solution to this that I could add to the server settings. Any info on this procedure will be highly appreciated.
Also if you're looking for a rather quiet Aberration server I'd be happy to give info!